Monday, February 27, 2012


Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 11:57:03 -0700

So San Tan zone is pretty legit. Its definitely the toughest zone in the mission. Last week my area had a quarter of the stats for the zone. So we're doing good and trying to help out the rest of the zone. Things are picking up.

Our baptism got delayed again because of the dad. But it will go through this week. Venice is pretty solid.

Isaiah and Marquon, two friends of kids in the ward, go pushed back as well. We just feel that they are not ready and we want  them to be more prepared and commited so that they dont go inactive. They're pretty cool. Both of them come from rough family situations and they definitely recognize the effefct the gospel has on their lifes.

We had a slow week this week and didnt get to meet with a lot of our usual people. But we did teach Aubrey, a guy who has been investigating for forever! We were talking to him and found out that no missionary had ever directly asked if he believed in the Book of Mormon.... (I blame sister missionaries) But we had a really good lesson with him. He just wont do what is necessary to get the results he wants!

There is a lot of really cool people in this area. On of the recent converts, Bill Anderson, is a jewelry guy, and tells all the missionaries thatthey can get a wedding ring custom made from him at cost. He's a good guy to know.

We havent had dinners for a few days because the way the dinner callenders got messed up when the wards got switched arround when I came into the area. So we've tried "faith dining" a few times, but it hasnt worked out. On Sunday, we asked this really funny guy in the singles ward what we do if we dont have a dinner, and he freaked out and invited us over. It was a good dinner. He just got back from his mission so he made sure we didnt eat the usual.

Thats all for this week! We're going to Barneys Sports Complex in Queen Creek for P-Day today. Im pretty excited.

Elder Feller
Elder Howard and I on Valentines Day
The cows we live next too!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Daniel vs crunching time!

Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 10:56:23 -0700

We have had a pretty good week. Sorry I dont have a lot of time to write today, its Presidents Day and we're using the members who's guest house we live in computer. Arizona is beautiful right now. And the work is going really well. We have a lot going on this week. On Valentines day we had a baptisimal interview for our investigator Venice. She's 9, and unfortunately it looks like her dad isnt going to be able to baptize her... But everything is still on track for this weekend. Its weird because I've hardley even taught her... We also went to the visitors center this week with two of our investigators Isaiah and Marquon. They're friends of a priest in one of our wards. It was pretty cool, as the visitors center always is.

We ate dinner with our High Councelor over Missionary work, Brother Joseph Feilding McConkie (He has quite the name... He's related to Joseph Fielding Smith and Bruce R. McConkie) and taught a lesson at their house to their friend Danielle, who is going to be in the singles ward. It went really well. She is pretty cool. She's 23, and wants everything the church has to offer, a happy family, and everything. She's pretty mature, and has good standards. We're trying to get a fellowship from our Singles ward to come to the next lesson with us so she'll come to church. I think if we can get her arround the members of that ward she will progress really fast.

The rest of the week went well. I dont really remember. but Sunday was a crazy day! Elder Howard started feeling sick Saturday night, and then woke up on sunday sick, so he slept and we missed some church. We only made it to Sacrament meeting of our last ward and then we had to run from a lesson to dinner and a lesson, to two more lessons. It was pretty awesome.

I've gotta go, I'll write more next week about the people we're teaching!


Elder Feller  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Daniel vs

Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 11:08:37 -0700

You'll never guess where I was transfered! I'm now the new Zone Leader in the San Tan Zone, (Which is just south of the Gilbert Zone where I just was, still in Gilbert) In the area that has the Gilbert Temple! (see picture below) My companion is Elder Howard, who Iived with in Queen Creek a while ago. My new area is pretty legit. But first...

My last couple weeks in Gilbert were pretty good. We were pretty busy trying to make something happy. We're always busy either doing things or making things happen. But it was good, it built my faith a lot. Which is really what I needed. The funnest thing I did last week was go on exchanges with the Spanish Elders. It was fun being super busy, and trying to speak Spanish. And I joined in on Elder Lanier's pass time of hunting bottle caps. Theres a picture of my first day's find below. I've found a few more since then. haha. It was pretty fun. We were also able to teach the two other Porter Kids and put them on date right before I left. I'm sad I'm going to miss that!
My new area is pretty good. We go to a gym every morning, because my companion has permission because he hurt his foot a while ago. Its nice. We also have a car. We started off with a red Corolla, but the seat was broken and wouldn't slide back so I didn't fit very well. So we traded some other missionaries for a for a Chevy Malibu. Its pretty nice, roomy, and has 6 cylinders. Theres lots of work to od in my new area. This is the first time in a while I went into an area that had people ready to be baptized. Its nice, but kinda weird. There's lots to do, and everything is awesome. The members are really great. Its kind of a more wealthy area again. The lead singer of Linkin Park lives in a neighborhood we taught a lesson in last night.
I'm happy.
Elder Feller