Today is the start of Week 6 of what would be the last transfer of my mission.
According to my D&C countdown I only have 29 Days left.
This week was great.
taught AJ again, and had a really powerful lesson on the Plan of
Salvation. We also checked all the commandments off, so he knew what was
coming. And then we extended the date of August 11th, and after a
moment, he accepted. He said, "lets do it." And then looked at his phone
and said, "That's when my mom will be in town." And Elder Schick and I
were stoked. He's doing great. I don't know how it all happened, but he
just attached himself to the church after the first time he came. He
drives in from Ahwatukee for every lesson, and for church. On Sunday, he
just fit right in. He makes comments and everything. In priesthood
meeting, he told everyone how to use the Gospel Library App, and
in Sunday school, he thanked everyone for baring their testimony a few
weeks ago, and said it really helped him. We're going to double up on
lessons from now on until he's baptized, because he asked to so he could
be ready.
On Wednesday we taught a guy who has
been excommunicated, and wants to get back into the church, who's name
is Mason. I was on exchanges with and Elder who has been out 7 months.
He's a stud. He gives me hope for the future. Haha. The lesson was
really good. We didn't know what to expect, but we just talked about our
relationship with God. He has been praying, and we committed him to
keep doing that and read the scriptures. It was a really good lesson.
On Sunday, we also taught Lance again. He started
the lesson by putting himself on date. We had set august 11th before.
But he told us he for sure wanted to be baptized and asked if he could
move his date to the 18th because something was going on on the 11th. I
was so excited I didn't even care that that was after I left. I've
taught a lot of girl's boyfriends, but no one as awesome as Lance. And
this lesson went really good because his girlfriend didn't make it
again. Not that she's bad at all, she's great. But he's a lot more open
without her. He fasted on fast Sunday to feel the spirit, and told us
that he really did. He said, "I felt something I've never felt before."
Later on at church he asked me if I was leaving in August. I told him I
was, and then he said he might move the date up to the 4th so I could be
there. That would be awesome! I'm hopeful, but its all up to him.
The ward has asked us to start meeting with these two semi-less-active teenage girls.
We had a really good lesson with them on Sunday night. They know the
church, but just never stuck to it. The lesson went good. We talked
about our relation ship with God, the atonement, and the Restoration,
and why it all mattered. It was a powerful lesson.
Elder Feller
It is so frustrating when things get so good right before you leave! I imagine you are feeling a lot of emotions right now. Just work hard every day and it will all be great! :)