The weeks are flying by.
We went to the visitors center a week ago with Joey. It was awesome, it really helped him understand the story of Joseph Smith, and he really felt the spirit.
We also got in with Seth again. He hadnt been reading or praying like he said he would, so we sat down and read 3 Nephi 11 with him and taught him the 3rd Lesson from it. The we talked about prayer a lot. He was afraid to pray, and didnt really know what to do, or what to think, or how to get an answer. So we talked about it a lot, and I told him the only way he was going to know would be to just do it. And he said ok and closed us with a prayer out loud. It was awesome. I love hearing someone's first prayer. He felt great after, and so I think it will be something he and his girlfriend keep up. We meet with them again soon.
The weather here is amazing! Its so nice outside everyday, and then chilly, but not too cold at night. Just perfect.
I realized when we were at church that I had been slaking on setting up an appointment to teach the other two kids of the family that just got baptized. Also, Shannon's kids have been coming to church with her, so we'll see about that as well. We're really trying.
Things are going.
Elder Feller
I can't believe how quickly your mission has flown by! CRAZY! We are so excited for the last quarter of your mission! It is the best part!!!