Join Elder Feller on a journey through time and space

Monday, July 2, 2012
Daniel vs Time
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2012 10:55:06 -0700
This week was crazy.
My travel plans have just changed again, and so I'll be coming home on August 14th. A lot of crazy things have happened with this extension and I'll have to wait and see how everything will work out. President mentioned in my interview letting a few of us who are going home in the middle of the transfer go out and do something fun and special. I don't know what that means. We'll have to find out. But I would prefer to stay here in my little zone and work here. But what happens happens and I was asked to stay for a reason, so we'll see.
Tuesday we had to stop a district meeting and correct the district leader. I don't want to get too much into the story of everything, but our new district leader is causing a ton of problems. And we had to stop his district meeting and set him straight. He definitely got a talking to, it was not pretty. He was using the meeting as a way to correct his companion for something that was not even wrong. And we had been feeling like there was something going on in their companionship that was not right. He's treating him like a problem child, which he isn't, even though he has a lot of time on him and is only in his current situation because of a small mistake that someone blew out of proportion. The district leader is crazy. He is very prideful, and full of how "good he is", but he's really not that good. Yeah, he's probably never broken a mission rule, but he also has never lived up to the commandment to love his neighbor. Which is a much bigger issue than "law of Moses" mission rule obedience. There's a powerful lesson to learn here. But I'm going on exchanges with him tonight, so we'll see.
On Tuesday we also taught a guy named Patrick. He had been taught by Elder Howard before, but had recently returned to being interested in church. He's a typical collage aged person. Very logical. But he's getting it. His faith has increased alot. One huge deal breaker last time was that he did not want to live the law of chastity... So we'll see how everything goes this time. But he's very sincere so it will go good.
Also, Tuesday night we tie-dyed shirts with the singles ward. I now have a tie-dye dress shirt. It was an old one anyways. It had a whole in it. Like most of them do. I'm losing shirts fast! I lost another one after interviews, and got a ton of ink on another one! I'm holding on tight until the end.
Wednesday we had a weird day preparing for interviews the next day, getting our car clean, and making a training and stuff. Our house was super clean from the P-day before, but a little lived in. We got a 65% on our cleaning inspection from the new housing coordinators. The whole zone failed. Except the Sisters (duh). Needless to say, everyone was pretty mad. She wrote "No Cleaning Done" on the form! It was ridiculous.
Thursday was interviews. Elder Schick made Pancakes for lunch for everyone. And we trained the zone on planning and stuff.
Sunday we taught Lance again before church. It went really well. We had a lesson on faith, and Alma 32, and how to build our faith. He struggles with a basic belief so we felt this would be a good topic to discuss. Then at church there was another guy we met who was not a member but agreed to meet with us. That's 1 new investigator a week from the singles ward! We have high hopes for that ward.
Elder Feller
San Tan,
Wrapping Up,
Zone Leader
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WOW! I have never seen anyone so hard on their clothes! I am hard on my shoes but that is one big hole! Good thing you are almost done!!! :)