Yay. Some may think, "Ew, why the heck would he still want to be in that
desolate wasteland that the military uses to drop bombs on?" and I
would agree, but what sucks worse than being here is only being in an
area for 6 weeks.
But hey, Yuma is not that bad. We got lots of good stuff coming up.
And, I'm still with my same companion. The first time ever for me. Its going to be interesting.
No really cool stories this week. So just a short email with a few lame
stories: First! We went to a dinner who's kids are very good friends
with this kid we're teaching who is the number one Cross Country runner
in the state of Arizona. And I tell my companion ('cause sometimes I
have to coach him on conversations) that we'll save that piece of
conversation as like our trump card, when things get awkward and quiet
and then maybe they can help us out. So we sit down, have prayer, and
then BAM! He busts it out! poorly as well. I was like
"noooooooooooooooooo!" They were like "really thats cool" and talked
about it for like a min and a half, and then it was a waaaaaaaaay
awkward dinner. I was out of it as far as conversation goes, because I
was still stunned that he said it right off the bat!
Then, My comp's bike pedal broke, so we were biking home, cruising,
taking our time as to not over exert the bikes, and then a member
offered us a ride. So we put our bikes in his truck and got in. He was
listening to his XM radio, and we generally dont bug people about stuff
like that by asking them to turn it off when they're being nice to us,
(or ever) but the song "Candles" by Hey Monday came on! I almost died.
Its been so long since I've heard that gorgeous voice.
Then! Not really that exciting, but because it was transfers, some
missionaries were leaving Yuma, so they wanted Yuma pins for their
suits/collections. And because the ex-Mayor is in our ward they wanted
us to get them from him, because the ones in the city hall suck. So we
went over there, chatted with him for a little bit, and then asked for
the pins. He said yes, and reached over and grabbed one off his coffee
table and then his wife grabbed a whole bag of them from a drawer by
their TV. I got three, one for me, my District Leader, Elder Varner, who
asked for one, and then another one, just in case. Then she gave us
these City of Yuma "Challenge Coins" its this huge heavy coin with the
city seal and logo on it. Its pretty cool. Definitely a good souvenir.
But when we went to give away the pins, I gave one to Elder Varner, then
the Zone Leader he lives with asked for one, and then some greenie
leaving asked for one too! So I had to give away mine! Which is the
second time because I gave my original one to this Elder who got his
visa and went to Mexico!
So yeah, Told you, boring week.
Elder Feller
Join Elder Feller on a journey through time and space

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Daniel vs Week 5
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 11:02:07 -0700
Hello All. Its week 5 of this transfer. Which means
transfers happen next week. I'm super anxious! I dont know whats going
to happen!
Oh, by the way, GUESS WHO TURNS 6
MONTHS THIS FRIDAY! Yeah, thats right. on January 21st 2011 The world
will have been missing me for 6 whole months. Thats 1/4th of a mission.
I expect lots of birthday presents
Lets see, what else happened...
there's this guy in the ward who helps the missionaries out all the
time. He's just a cool, young, successful guy. We went to ask him
something a couple saturday nights ago and he was having a party in his
back yard where him and these 400 pound mexicans were jumping off the
waterfall of his pool and shaking the ground with the shockwave, then a
nice lady made us some carne asada tacos.... mmmm. my favorite. But so
he's the type of guy who is married with 3 kids, but plays xbox and
does stupid stuff with his friends (i.e. jumping off of waterfalls with
ginormous mexicans.) So he had us over for dinner last night and his
wife is telling us that this pancake mix is really good. (It was
breakfast for dinner) and then we're eating them and I'm like... Holy
crap, these are the most delicious pancakes I've ever tasted. Seriously.
I cant describe it. Ok, I can, If I were the prophet Lehi, I would be
dreaming about eating these pancakes off the tree of life. Then his
wife had to go do something and he's talking to use about this mix, and
he was like "yeah, I just get tired of bisquick and that kind of
stuff, so I heard they were pretty good so I ordered a crate of them
from the eastern united states because they dont sell them anywhere
arround here." It was awesome. So now, Just like the prophet Lehi, I
invite my family to partake. The brand is called "Aretha Frankenstein".
Do whatever you can to get ahold of them. They will change your life.
yesterday we also rode out bikes like all day. Because we're a little
over on our miles for the month. It was pretty fun. I'm sure you're all
thinking "oh its pretty chilly in January that must have been nice"
but no, it was 85 degrees in Yuma yesterday. Pray for me to leave this
place before summer... But seriously biking is pretty fun. We can talk
to a lot more people that way. and in a car, you finish everything so
fast. But, I am grateful for our car. because missionaries are always
late. And bikes dont help. And my bike didnt fall apart this time!
we're teaching this couple named Ashley and Robert. Robert is a less
active member from forever. He doesnt know anything about the church.
But they are super nice, and very interested. We found them because
Robert is the brother of a sister in the ward, who was in the exact
same situation a year ago! A boyfriend/girlfriend where one wants to do
the whole gospel thing but the other one doesnt want to get married
first! So its super funny when we teach them because his sister and her
husband will call them out and tell them they have to do this. And it
works because they are the perfect example. Well... not really perfect,
but they work. Its really good. We're hoping to make some progress on
Also! I dont know if I've mentioned Bob
before, but he's an old guy who lives in a trailer park and the thugs
there pick on him. He loves the church and wants to join. But he doesnt
want to stop smoking weed. And he's 63. So we're trying to help him
move because people keep messing with him and breaking into his house.
So once we get him moved, we're going to take his weed and say no more!
Then he'll get baptized! He's hilarious. He was in the military in
Korea and still swears like it...
Things are
getting boring. Yuma is still hot. I hear all the old people leave when
it gets hot. They all come from Utah and other cold places. Can you
imagine that!? Moving every season change. Gosh. Just move to
Next week I promise to have some pictures. Maybe even show you guys all the ties I've collected!
of ties, Please dont forget that I'm always on a hunt for ties.
Especially nice silks. Like, nice thick quality silks. The thin ones
arent that good. But I need more nice Church/Meetings ties! I dont like
to wear my old grandpa ties with a suit.
My dream tie, is a nice, thick, silk, with Paisley and Stripes. Its hard to find..
Got to go. Times up.
Love, Elder Feller.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Daniel vs Interviews!
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 11:07:27 -0700
This week we had a baptism! Wooooo. Bro. Henry Florez decided to
write his name in the book of Heaven. He is an awesome guy. He's a
doctor here in Yuma who was born in columbia and went to college in New
York. in his second marriage, he married a member of the church. He
dodged the church and the missionaries for a while, but as we found out
in Sis. Florez's testimony, they were having some marital problems and
then he asked his friend why they were always so happy all the time.
His friend replied, "well, its the gospel of Jesus Christ" and then 6
weeks later he's baptized. I didnt really get to teach him too much,
just the word of wisdom. And I helped him understand and then get over
coffee. So it was fun. The baptism went really well. Lots of tears were
shed. haha, and he was a little late, so we didn't get to get the
traditional baptismal suit picture. But that's ok. Hahaha. The funniest
part of the whole thing was: They had special musical numbers in the
middle time while he was changing, and his son gets up there and plays
"families can be together forever " on the piano. One note at a time,
and very good for a little kid. Then my companion gets up and plays
this ellaborate version of "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" And totally
blows this little kid out of the water. I almost laughed out loud and
some people did. But it was ok, the kids feelings weren't hurt or
anything. But it was way funny. My companion didn't even realize untill
I told him later.
Neeeeeext. We had Interviews!
President Howes and the AP's came down to Yuma for interviews! I love
opportunities to learn from the President and APs. They are always
good. President got up and told us that there were more missionaries
than ever before in Yuma right now (6 English and 10 Spanish) And that
he anticipated growth in the Church here. The first thing that came to
my mind: in ward council meeting our ward had been reading the
handbook. They got to the end of section 4. Next meeting they will be
on Section 5. The missionary work section. So, because of my
enlightened understanding of the Ward Council Process and the Church
General Handbook of Instructions, I took that as I need to kick my
wards into gear! So that's my plan as of now. To get these wards doing
some serious missionary work! via a ward mission plan!
my interview with President was very good. I learned a lot. It was
funny, because he started talking in Business terms, and I understood
it better. hahaha. Basically he told me that some people grow leaps and
bounds coming out of the MTC and then flatline on my improvement, but
at this point for me, it would take steady effort to continue to
improve upward.
Then the APs talked about getting referals from everyone, and the way to go about it right, in order to get good referrals.
pretty much it for this week. Other than that, we have got a few new
peopel to teach. Which is always awesome. And we got one of them to say
the closing prayer last night, and she had never prayed before, but we
felt very strongly that she needed to be strong in prayer in order for
her to come closer to Heavenly Father. And so she was all nervous
about prayer and I just said,"what do you think you need to pray for?"
and she paused for a second and said "to understand what I'm learning"
and I said, "if thats all you need to pray for right now, just say
that" and then she offered an awesome and every ernest prayer. It was
amazing. And the spirit was so strong.
That's all for this week!
Elder Daniel Feller
What Yuma looks like |
Me, Bro. Florez after baptism, and Elder Workman |
Bro. & Sis. Florez's whole family. |
A awesome billboard here in Yuma. |
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