This week was insane...
Start with the bad, then I'll get to the good. So last tuesday we had a lesson with Lindsey. We taught the commandments and she had prayed about the 10th for baptism and was wanting to get baptized that day. Her husband gave us a ride home that night and all seemed to be well. Well the word goes arround the ward and Bishop finds out about it, he calls the ward mission leader and freaks out. Bishop wanted the husband to be ready and worthy to baptize his wife. Its a little late to mention it... We went over on saturday and explain that hes not ready or worthy, and Lindsey is ready now, and she needs to be baptized. On Sunday, the Bishop decided to pull Lindsey and her husband into his office and offer the option of working with her husband to be ready and worthy to baptize her, obviously not on the day selected by us. He says he'll get back to him in a week... but the baptism is supposed to be in 3 days. Lindsey was devestated, and was crying because she was really excited to be baptized. I get a call right before our last ward starts and Lindsey's fellowship says that Bishop told Lindsey she couldnt be baptized untill her husband does it. So I go outside to call bishop. I was pretty mad, obviously. Bishop steped out of his priesthood authority and into mine as a missionary, by meeting with my investigator, and canceling my baptism and essentially hurting my investigator. Bishop said thats not what he said and he would go over and clear up the "misunderstanding"... So I had no idea what to do at this point, and church was about the start, so I decided we needed to be there because we hadnt had the chance to take the Sacrament yet, and we needed to be there for all our investigators at church. So I didnt know what was going to happen and I was having stress attacks at church! So we went home and called Lindsey's fellowship and found out what happened. Bishop went over and the husband agreed to meet with bishop and try to get worthy to baptize her. Lindsey said if he's not ready in two weeks shes doing it anyways. So I'm glad shes still staying strong. The baptism is going to be put off a few weeks. I called President to let him know that Elder Case wouldnt need to come back this weekend to baptize her and he wasnt happy about what Bishop did. He said "Elder Feller he cant do that" and I said, "I know..." "Whats the ward? Whos the Stake President? Whats the Bishops name?" ... So I dont know whats going to happen, but President isnt going to let it go.
But the good! I got a call last Monday evening, saying that one of the woman who went to a mission farewell was really impressed by the spirit, and couldnt shake it, and she was crying all day at work and went over the the Whitting's home and got a blessing and felt better. We met with her whole family on wednesday. Ray, Danielle, Ray Jr, and Savannah Mendoza. They cried. Alot. The next day we got a text from Sis. Whitting saying that Danielle texted her and they had a family prayer and it felt really good. Later in the day Ray called her and said he felt the same spiritual impression and was crying all day. These people are SO prepared its crazy. God is not giving them any time to waste. They were at church on sunday, and we met with them again that night, right before the Whiting's son got set appart as a missionary. When Bro. Whitting gave her the blessing she said that something was going to happen is 4 weeks. Last night we kinda put them on date for the 24th of this month. I say kinda because it wasn't to solid of a commit because people were coming in for the setting appart, and the lesson was getting distracted by all the people! But they understand that thats the day they're working towards. 4 weeks after the first blessing. Awesome. We're going to the Visitors Center with them tonight.
So this week was pretty crazy to say the least..
I guess its gotten all over facebook that my new companion is from Long Island NY and knows all these famous people. His dad does construction for big clients like Jerry Sienfield, Billy Joel, Steven Spieldburg. Our whole ward knows because of facebook... Welcome to Arizona suburbia... Thats all the coolest stuff. We biked to the top of the montain. Nothing else too big.
Elder Feller
I heard your companion is related to Obama!!! LOL. Seems like you guys are doing great things in your area!