Elder Milne, who was in the MTC with Daniel
Join Elder Feller on a journey through time and space

Thursday, December 22, 2011
Daniel vs Baptisms!
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 11:06:16 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
The most exciting thing that happened this week was Colten and Sierra Porter's baptism! It went really well. The dad was able to baptize the kids after all and we got everything sorted out. Last Sunday we realized that on the Church records Bro Porter was only a Teacher, but he swore he was a priest, so we had to get that all figured out, and it worked out really well. The baptism was really nice. The spirit was really strong, and I can tell that it really helped the family spiritually. They are doing so much better. The mom has been able to make it to church the last three weeks, and they want us to start teaching their other two kids pretty soon.
I went on exchanges twice with the members of my district who live in my house. The first time I went out with Elder Riddoch, and we had a good time in his area. I always seem to learn more than I teach when I go on exchanges. And the second time I stayed inside most of the day with Elder Lichtenstein because of his hurt feet... He had like 3 ingrown toenails.
Also! We ate dinner at this guys house and his Christmas lights were set up like the vision of the tree of life! He was pretty funny. He said, "The only problem with it is that I live in the great and spacious building!" Picture below!
Not much else happened this week. We're kind of out of options right now. But things are always looking up! Christmas is next week, and transfers are the Wednesday after! We'll see what happens! Dont mail me stuff if it wont get here before the 28th!
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Colten and Sierra Porter's baptism |
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Do you ever find yourself in Lehi's dream? |
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This is what happens when you tell me you dont like Christmas |
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Daniel vs Surprise Baptism!
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 11:21:16 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
You wont believe this.
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
You wont believe this.
On Tuesday was had a meeting scheduled with Shannon, the investigator who's daughter had passed away and we attended the funeral. She had been coming to church for a few weeks and so we tryed to set something up again. We texted her to confirm the lesson and she said, "Can we just bypass all the lessons? I have done a lot of research. I just want to talk about baptism." So we met and she was telling us about all this research she did were she went to every anti web-site and then looked up all the church doctrine. She said the only thing she couldn't find was the process to be baptized. We didn't understand at first, because she didn't sound like she wanted to be baptized, so I was like, "... well... first you meet with the missionaries, and then..." and she cut me off and went on this tangent about the articles of faith, and then I got it. She was asking me what she had to qualify for. So I showed her the interview questions and said that you have to pass this interview. She looked over the questions and was said, "ok, I can do that." So I asked her if she wanted to be baptized, and she said yes. Then I asked if she believed in the church and everything and she said yes. And so we put her on date for Saturday and she was baptized! It was a tottal surprise.
But getting to the baptism was a little harder than that. We found out Tuesday evening. She also said she didn't want anyone to be there, because she's terrified of being in front of people. We also had her interview on Wednesday morning, where, thankfully, Elder Case got some of her understanding on the right track. Some people don't realize how important the commandments are, especially when they do their own homework. Then Wednesday night we told our ward about it all and they were happy, but the Ward Mission Leader was going to be out of town, so I had to get everything done for the baptism all by my self. Then, we had to move the time up because of the stake baptisms that day, and also, the Stake was getting mad at us because we planned the confirmation for Saturday because she is terrified of people, because the handbook says it has to be on Sunday at church, even in her situation and with the Mission President on my side. And then Shannon didn't get back to us about the program until the day before. So we spent all Friday night trying to find some members to help us make it. We ended up at this guys house who when we ate there for dinner, just told us all these funny stories about dumb stuff he did on his mission, who said to come over if we ever needed anything. So we got the program all set at 9 o clock the day before, but the Bishop still didn't know the time changed, because we couldn't get a hold of him all day. But we call him again at 9:30 and he tells us that the Sake President had sent him an email about how Convert Confirmations need to be in sacrament meeting because the handbook says so. So we have all this drama coming from the members! (again). But the Baptism and confirmation went off without any problems on Saturday morning... except I forgot to tell the person conducting that the time had changed... Oops.
Lesson Learned: Don't have me do a whole baptism by myself...
But Shannon is awesome. She has found the truth and wont let it go. She's a pretty funny person. She's super intelligent, and really stubborn. Hence why I don't even have a picture of the baptism. She didnt like meeting with the missionaries to get information, so she found it all out, and because of her already strong relationship with God she was able to discern the truth by the Holy Spirit. Which is a testimony booster of the converting power of the Gospel.
That was most of the craziness this week. The rest of it will develop at a later time, and I'll fill you more in then. But get excited.
Gilbert 2,
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Daniel vs Satan
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 11:17:45 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
Satan has been hard at work in the Gilbert Zone this whole past week. We've had tons of problems with certain missionaries, and everyone is just kinda been down and having a hard time. I wont go into too much detail, because its sad, but the good news is that we're pulling out of it! We've had a lot of potential pop up recently and all the problems and trials are definitely because we're on the brink of huge success. Its funny, that two of the companionships that are doing the best, are the ones struggling the most. And I've had my share of drama this week, but we'll get to that.
First! Sorry I didn't email last week, nothing much to report. But we've been working with this family and its been going great! They were less active, and their 4 kids are not baptized. We've been meeting with the two oldest, Colten and Sierra, and they're getting baptized on the 17th. We asked if the other two would be interested and the dad said no, but he was going to work on them, and yesterday the whole family was at church! It was awesome. It was the first time we even met the mom and two other kids. So that's going great. They're super excited, and so are we.
Then, on Wednesday, we were doing our weekly meetings with all our ward mission leaders. During one of the meetings I brought up how our investigator had asked why there was no one else in the Gospel Principles class and we asked if we could get some more people in there to fellowship her. And the ward mission leader just shut me down and told me that was a bad idea because when there's a lot of people they all like to talk and voice their opinions and get on tangents. I couldn't believe he shut me down like that... Especially because the teacher of that class only goes on random tangents by himself...
But then! In the next meeting, we had previously talked about going over the ward mission plan and trying to help the missionary efforts of his ward become more effective, and so we go in, and we talk for a second, and then I start my whole presentation, and then the High Councilor over missionary work comes in, and as soon as I mention setting specific goals, the Ward Mission Leader kind of shuts down and stops paying attention. Then something happened and he interrupted me and started off with, "I am a faithful member of the church... but this has gone too far" and then proceeds to yell at me for about ten minutes about how the Church is putting the emphasis in the wrong place, and the brethren are misguided, and he crumples up the Sample Mission Plan I gave him and throws it at me. Then he gets into how I as a missionary don't care about people, and I'm prideful and I need to get up and start working. I was completely thrown off. I couldn't believe it was happening, and I am not exaggerating about it at all. So I'm sitting there getting yelled at with my companion, and the Bro. Hale, the High Councilor is sitting right there. And then he starts in about how his ward is so doing all this stuff and I stopped him and said, "But where are the results? There are no results!" and yelled "Bull Crap!" And kept going for a few more minutes and then ended with, "You don't know what a hard mission is! You have it easy! I served in France!" and just went off about it. Then he closed with a prayer and I pick up the paper he threw at me and went to throw it away. It hit the edge of the garbage can and fell to the side, and Bro. Hale picked it up and started to unfold it and I just walked out of the room, and we biked home. I was pretty mad that night, and I told the missionaries about and the Zone Leaders were ticked! But I just went to bed. I woke up the next morning and it all kind of caught up with me and I was pretty shaken. But I got the spirit back and was good to go.
Pretty crazy, but it gets better. So Elder Gordon, our Zone Leader, talks to Bro. Hale the next day, and Bro. Hale had a long talk with the Ward Mission Leader and told him I was just doing my job. But Bro. Hale was interested in what I was talking about. So on Sunday, The Ward Mission Leader comes up to me and totally apologizes, and says that he wants to do things the Lords way, and asked for my forgiveness. So I have no hard feelings towards him. And! That night Elder Gordon and I go to visit Bro. Hale and talk with him about everything we've been doing to get missionary work going in our wards, how many people the members know, and how with an effective Ward Mission Plan, we can focus that effort and actually produce results. Lots of results. This is everything I've been working on since... almost my whole mission. Bro Hale ate it up and we're going to be working with him to help the Gilbert Stake follow the hand book, and become very successful. On the drive home Elder Gordon and I were talking about how big of a deal this is, and how we can see events in our whole missions preparing us for this. The things that are happening right now are inspired. Things are going to happen. And that's why Satan has been working hard on Gilbert. But we're breaking out of it now.
The Ward Mission Plan and everything I'm talking about is how the ward can effectively participate in member missionary work. I know I probably sound crazy, but its basically following what the Handbook says about missionary work, to help us be effective in our finding, teaching, and baptizing. Its interesting, because in an area like Gilbert, theres almost nothing that the missionaries can do to bring people into the church without the members. So this is how it has to work here.
Its like I'm in a movie!
Elder Feller.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Daniel vs Gilbert... Round Two!
Hello again from Gilbert! Right now I'm sitting in a Library I sat in 7 Months ago. I am back in the Gilbert Zone, but this time a few miles down the street in the Gilbert Stake. Last transfer they made a new area out of two areas and put an Elder who had been a Zone Leader in there to train for his last transfer. So now I'm finishing training, and I cant spell his name yet so I'll get it next week.
Sorry I'm a little late this morning, we just came from a funeral for the daughter of an investigator of ours that I haven't met yet. It was at Sun Valley Community Church, so now I can say I've been to another church on my mission. It was a nice service.. very interesting. Not too much to say about it. They had some songs, the pastor spoke, some family spoke. It was really nice. When we were all filing out I did shake the pastor's hand and say thanks... Only because he looked to my tag and then at me! He held a smile though, so I don't think he cared. He might not have even really noticed.
We had one last lesson with Ada on Tuesday before I left. It went well. She's really getting there...
Not much is happening here in Gilbert. I haven't even taught a lesson yet. They just made the area out of parts of two not so productive areas.. So its struggling right now. But things are looking up, as always. The stake is pretty good about focusing on missionary work. Now I just have to channel all of that into effectiveness. Sometimes I feel like I've figured out this missionary thing, but then its hard to translate that into actual output because you cant just go into a place and tell them what to do. That was a huge lesson I've learned, and I feel like that's a place where I succeeded in my last area. I waited until they trusted me, and then when the time was right, they were open and everything was implemented. So we're working.
I will really miss my last district. They were an awesome group of missionaries, full of excitement and enthusiasm. But they'll still do good.
Elder Feller
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Mesa Second District: Elders, Koons, Cunningham, Netzley, Feller, Asay & Collins. Sisters, Farthing, Corbett, Baggett & Parker. |
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Elder Krueger and I at Transfers. |
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Elder Cunningham and I |
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The district again, except blurry. |
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Daniel vs The World
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 13:53:02 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
We did pretty bad last week so I was going crazy this week. We were able to get a lot more lessons and had a much better week. But! We got word last night that I was getting transferred again! These past six weeks have gone crazy fast! Its like every transfer goes faster! Also, Elder Cunningham is training! I think I was more excited than him because that makes me a "Mom" (You train, you're a dad, your comp trains, you're the mom) Whooo! The transfer results for my district were pretty funny too. One Sister is leaving, and one set of Elders is both leaving, (we dont know why) and he's going to be a DL. The other set of sisters is staying, and its funny because Sis. Corbett started her mission here, got transferred to Yuma, and then is back here! And the other elders are staying too, and Elder Koons started his mission in the area next to him, and 8 months later got transferred to where he's at, and now he's still there. He'll be in the same stake for over a year!
Last P-day we had a Tri-Zone BBQ at a park near our house with Tempe and Gilbert Zones. So a lot of my friends were there! It was pretty fun, but kind of cold. I almost got ran over after I tripped when we were playing football. It was super scary. I also got to hang out with Elder Lesh one last time, because he goes home tomorrow! But he's sending me a famous tie of his, named "Handicapped Hercules." Get excited to see pictures. Also when we were about to leave, I stood up on the table and said "Oh captain my captain!" It was pretty funny, I have to admit. Also, the sister from New Zealand found out that some words are bad in America, and she also found out this week that the USA doesn't like France.
But anyways. We had a crazy, two and a half hour lesson with Ada this week. Because when we went over on Thursday night, she told us she summed up all her questions to "Where did we come from, why are we here, and where are we going" and wanted to answer them with the Bible and Book of Mormon to show that they were the same. After told us the questions we just stared at her for a second and I started laughing. She was confused and we asked here where she got those questions. She just came up with them! And we explained that those were common questions that the church definitely has answers for. We also explained that it asked and answered those exact questions in Preach My Gospel. So the next day we went over and had the 2.5 hour lesson where we answered the questions and explained the Restoration and priesthood authority. Her exact words when she understood it was like "this is like Lord of the Rings!!" So we're still working on it.
I've grown a lot this week, or at least recognized it. I was on exchanges with one of our Zone Leaders and I was really stressed because I didn't know where the ward mission leader lived and we were going around in circles. I felt judged and embarased, and I was letting my anxiety get the best of me. Then we find out where its at and we start going there and talk to this guy on the way. Of course, he was stupid, and I got frustrated and didn't do the best job talking to him. I tried really hard, but didn't sound confident at all. And before and after that, my zone leader was just telling me to be calm and confident, which made me more mad, so we went and met with the WML and I taught him how we can improve the missionary work in his ward, motivate the ward council, and set up a ward mission plan that will actually work. I kinda focused all my frustrations into it, so it went really well. Afterwards, my zone leader said, "now I see the true leadership of Elder Feller." Then something clicked. So I decided I needed to play my strengths more, and that all my struggles with this area were from trying to do it a way I wasn't good at. So with all that motivation, I set up a meeting with my whole district at a restaurant we go to some Saturdays that feeds us for free, and I taught them everything I knew about how to establish a successful ward, which is something I've been struggling though and working on my entire mission, and at this point, is something I can say that I understand a lot about. The entire mission is having tons of problems with getting members into missionary work, and its so important because that's where absolutely all our success comes from. But the problem is that the missionaries know just as much as the members, nothing. But now my district now understands how to do it, and we'll be doing it again at or after district meeting tomorrow.
Then, last night we talked to this lady on the street somewhere, and it was the best OYM we've had this whole transfer, and maybe the best of my mission. She genuinely listened and wanted to know what we believed. She told us about her experiences in Iraq with the national guard and about a lot of stuff. She asked good questions, and got good answers. When I offered her a Book of Mormon, I reached into my bag and I didnt have one! I already gave it away! But my companion did so we were good. haha. But she even wrote down when our appointment was for. It was really cool. Its always motivating when you talk to someone who is awesome.
That's all the interesting things for this week.
Elder Feller
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
We did pretty bad last week so I was going crazy this week. We were able to get a lot more lessons and had a much better week. But! We got word last night that I was getting transferred again! These past six weeks have gone crazy fast! Its like every transfer goes faster! Also, Elder Cunningham is training! I think I was more excited than him because that makes me a "Mom" (You train, you're a dad, your comp trains, you're the mom) Whooo! The transfer results for my district were pretty funny too. One Sister is leaving, and one set of Elders is both leaving, (we dont know why) and he's going to be a DL. The other set of sisters is staying, and its funny because Sis. Corbett started her mission here, got transferred to Yuma, and then is back here! And the other elders are staying too, and Elder Koons started his mission in the area next to him, and 8 months later got transferred to where he's at, and now he's still there. He'll be in the same stake for over a year!
Last P-day we had a Tri-Zone BBQ at a park near our house with Tempe and Gilbert Zones. So a lot of my friends were there! It was pretty fun, but kind of cold. I almost got ran over after I tripped when we were playing football. It was super scary. I also got to hang out with Elder Lesh one last time, because he goes home tomorrow! But he's sending me a famous tie of his, named "Handicapped Hercules." Get excited to see pictures. Also when we were about to leave, I stood up on the table and said "Oh captain my captain!" It was pretty funny, I have to admit. Also, the sister from New Zealand found out that some words are bad in America, and she also found out this week that the USA doesn't like France.
But anyways. We had a crazy, two and a half hour lesson with Ada this week. Because when we went over on Thursday night, she told us she summed up all her questions to "Where did we come from, why are we here, and where are we going" and wanted to answer them with the Bible and Book of Mormon to show that they were the same. After told us the questions we just stared at her for a second and I started laughing. She was confused and we asked here where she got those questions. She just came up with them! And we explained that those were common questions that the church definitely has answers for. We also explained that it asked and answered those exact questions in Preach My Gospel. So the next day we went over and had the 2.5 hour lesson where we answered the questions and explained the Restoration and priesthood authority. Her exact words when she understood it was like "this is like Lord of the Rings!!" So we're still working on it.
I've grown a lot this week, or at least recognized it. I was on exchanges with one of our Zone Leaders and I was really stressed because I didn't know where the ward mission leader lived and we were going around in circles. I felt judged and embarased, and I was letting my anxiety get the best of me. Then we find out where its at and we start going there and talk to this guy on the way. Of course, he was stupid, and I got frustrated and didn't do the best job talking to him. I tried really hard, but didn't sound confident at all. And before and after that, my zone leader was just telling me to be calm and confident, which made me more mad, so we went and met with the WML and I taught him how we can improve the missionary work in his ward, motivate the ward council, and set up a ward mission plan that will actually work. I kinda focused all my frustrations into it, so it went really well. Afterwards, my zone leader said, "now I see the true leadership of Elder Feller." Then something clicked. So I decided I needed to play my strengths more, and that all my struggles with this area were from trying to do it a way I wasn't good at. So with all that motivation, I set up a meeting with my whole district at a restaurant we go to some Saturdays that feeds us for free, and I taught them everything I knew about how to establish a successful ward, which is something I've been struggling though and working on my entire mission, and at this point, is something I can say that I understand a lot about. The entire mission is having tons of problems with getting members into missionary work, and its so important because that's where absolutely all our success comes from. But the problem is that the missionaries know just as much as the members, nothing. But now my district now understands how to do it, and we'll be doing it again at or after district meeting tomorrow.
Then, last night we talked to this lady on the street somewhere, and it was the best OYM we've had this whole transfer, and maybe the best of my mission. She genuinely listened and wanted to know what we believed. She told us about her experiences in Iraq with the national guard and about a lot of stuff. She asked good questions, and got good answers. When I offered her a Book of Mormon, I reached into my bag and I didnt have one! I already gave it away! But my companion did so we were good. haha. But she even wrote down when our appointment was for. It was really cool. Its always motivating when you talk to someone who is awesome.
That's all the interesting things for this week.
Elder Feller
Chandler 2,
District Leader,
Monday, November 7, 2011
Daniel vs The Cold!
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 13:25:01 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
We went from busy last week to nothing this week. All our potentials are falling through and we're basically down to two investigators. One of which was dodging us all last week... But we finally got in contact and are going to set something up soon.
Its getting really cold in Arizona! Its like 60's outside right now. I had to wear a jacket last night while we were biking. I was freezing cold and then I realized that I couldn't even see my breath... So in reality it wasn't that cold... But I'm not used to that. It was 115 for too long!
We've had a lot of meetings with our ward leaders this week. We're really trying to get stuff going in the wards. Yes, again. But they've been good. We're trying to keep up the momentum to get it all rolling, and they some of them seem to be excited about getting it done. That's the most effective thing we can be doing.
Ada is still doing really well. She was sick, so she couldn't make it to church this week. But we had two good lessons with her, where we talked a lot about the questions she had and what we can do to help her get baptized. She doesnt feel like she's repented of her issues with her family, and so she doesn't feel worthy to be baptized. Plus, we have to work on her testimony of the restoration... But we're getting there.
Everything else is cruising along. Transfers are next week, so we'll see what happens.
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
We went from busy last week to nothing this week. All our potentials are falling through and we're basically down to two investigators. One of which was dodging us all last week... But we finally got in contact and are going to set something up soon.
Its getting really cold in Arizona! Its like 60's outside right now. I had to wear a jacket last night while we were biking. I was freezing cold and then I realized that I couldn't even see my breath... So in reality it wasn't that cold... But I'm not used to that. It was 115 for too long!
We've had a lot of meetings with our ward leaders this week. We're really trying to get stuff going in the wards. Yes, again. But they've been good. We're trying to keep up the momentum to get it all rolling, and they some of them seem to be excited about getting it done. That's the most effective thing we can be doing.
Ada is still doing really well. She was sick, so she couldn't make it to church this week. But we had two good lessons with her, where we talked a lot about the questions she had and what we can do to help her get baptized. She doesnt feel like she's repented of her issues with her family, and so she doesn't feel worthy to be baptized. Plus, we have to work on her testimony of the restoration... But we're getting there.
Everything else is cruising along. Transfers are next week, so we'll see what happens.
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Getting Elder Cunningham's bike welded. |
Chandler 2,
District Leader,
Monday, October 31, 2011
Daniel vs Being Busy
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 14:38:10 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
We had a crazy week! Tuesday was interviews with the Mission President. It was really good. Except we didnt get home until about 5 o clock so the rest of our evening got thrown off. President Howes really amazes me at how well he knows every single missionary. In my interview he just talked about my District, each person specifically and their needs. It was crazy!
Then on Thursday we had a visiting General Authority! Elder Wilson of the second quorum on the 70 came and spoke to us. It was from 9 in the morning until about 4-5. President and Sister Howes spoke, then Elder Wright, the area 70 here, and then Sister Wilson, then Elder Wilson. Then after lunch Sister Wilson talked about the common born-again argument against the church about "grace and works", which was a very complex answer that a lot of us didn't completely get, and then Elder Wilson talked again and opened the floor to questions.
Friday we spent applying our new training from the Assistants on our weekly planning, but then I had to bike way into Mesa in my suit to do a baptismal interview for the sisters. It went really well, except in the middle of the interview the girl I was interviewing told me I had pretty eyes, so I wrapped it up quick... It is really cool to interview these people who are so ready to be baptized. Its awesome to see the excitement in them as they are preparing.
Then Saturday we had to help Amanda move, and then had a ward Halloween party at night. We sat down and were eating food next to some of our friends in the ward, and at the same table was some non-members and no one told us! She got up and left to go get food and then her friend came over and was like "that was my neighbor!" and we're like, "Why didn't you tell us!?" Remember: It is impossible for missionaries with 300+ members at any given time to know who's who. I had 1200+ members in Queen Creek. You have to tell the missionaries if you want them to talk to them!
Then on Sunday we had to go to church, hurry and hop over to another ward to try and catch some investigators that didn't show and then race back to the other building to speak in the singles ward and then we left early to go prepare for Amanda's baptism, then we had a baptism and after we had to get a ride over to another church building to interview the other sisters candidate for baptism, then we went home to take some study time so I could prepare for District Meeting, but then we couldnt because we had to go to Amanda's house to give her some church DVDs we forgot to give her.
But the baptism was amazing! The spirit was really strong and she really felt it. Her and her son Joseph were baptized, and after he went to church yesterday, her other son Christopher wants to get baptized as well. Joseph asked me to baptize him, and that was really cool. Amanda asked the Bishop to baptize her. She jokingly said it was because she wanted to make sure it was the right authority! We explained that lots of people could do it, but she still wanted the bishop. So it was really good. It was the first baptism of my mission that came from street contacting, even though I wasn't here when they started teaching her.
Also, wait let me explain, So Elder Krueger has my number back in Queen Creek so he could call me if he had any questions, because he was so fresh and didnt know the area. He called me before and told me that Bro. Powell had told him that he wasn't really waiting to talk to his parents, but he still believed that the Catholic church had that authority, and I was devastated! I felt like I had failed! But then called me on Sunday night and said he went over and had a throw-down lesson with him about the restoration and bro powell got back to him later and said he thought about what he said and would probably get baptized this year! It took me a second to realize that there's only two months left this year and then I was supper happy!
Elder Feller
Finally Pictures! These computers at MCC are bad at pictures, but I have conquered them!
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
We had a crazy week! Tuesday was interviews with the Mission President. It was really good. Except we didnt get home until about 5 o clock so the rest of our evening got thrown off. President Howes really amazes me at how well he knows every single missionary. In my interview he just talked about my District, each person specifically and their needs. It was crazy!
Then on Thursday we had a visiting General Authority! Elder Wilson of the second quorum on the 70 came and spoke to us. It was from 9 in the morning until about 4-5. President and Sister Howes spoke, then Elder Wright, the area 70 here, and then Sister Wilson, then Elder Wilson. Then after lunch Sister Wilson talked about the common born-again argument against the church about "grace and works", which was a very complex answer that a lot of us didn't completely get, and then Elder Wilson talked again and opened the floor to questions.
Friday we spent applying our new training from the Assistants on our weekly planning, but then I had to bike way into Mesa in my suit to do a baptismal interview for the sisters. It went really well, except in the middle of the interview the girl I was interviewing told me I had pretty eyes, so I wrapped it up quick... It is really cool to interview these people who are so ready to be baptized. Its awesome to see the excitement in them as they are preparing.
Then Saturday we had to help Amanda move, and then had a ward Halloween party at night. We sat down and were eating food next to some of our friends in the ward, and at the same table was some non-members and no one told us! She got up and left to go get food and then her friend came over and was like "that was my neighbor!" and we're like, "Why didn't you tell us!?" Remember: It is impossible for missionaries with 300+ members at any given time to know who's who. I had 1200+ members in Queen Creek. You have to tell the missionaries if you want them to talk to them!
Then on Sunday we had to go to church, hurry and hop over to another ward to try and catch some investigators that didn't show and then race back to the other building to speak in the singles ward and then we left early to go prepare for Amanda's baptism, then we had a baptism and after we had to get a ride over to another church building to interview the other sisters candidate for baptism, then we went home to take some study time so I could prepare for District Meeting, but then we couldnt because we had to go to Amanda's house to give her some church DVDs we forgot to give her.
But the baptism was amazing! The spirit was really strong and she really felt it. Her and her son Joseph were baptized, and after he went to church yesterday, her other son Christopher wants to get baptized as well. Joseph asked me to baptize him, and that was really cool. Amanda asked the Bishop to baptize her. She jokingly said it was because she wanted to make sure it was the right authority! We explained that lots of people could do it, but she still wanted the bishop. So it was really good. It was the first baptism of my mission that came from street contacting, even though I wasn't here when they started teaching her.
Also, wait let me explain, So Elder Krueger has my number back in Queen Creek so he could call me if he had any questions, because he was so fresh and didnt know the area. He called me before and told me that Bro. Powell had told him that he wasn't really waiting to talk to his parents, but he still believed that the Catholic church had that authority, and I was devastated! I felt like I had failed! But then called me on Sunday night and said he went over and had a throw-down lesson with him about the restoration and bro powell got back to him later and said he thought about what he said and would probably get baptized this year! It took me a second to realize that there's only two months left this year and then I was supper happy!
Elder Feller
Finally Pictures! These computers at MCC are bad at pictures, but I have conquered them!
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Amanda's baptism |
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Last day in Queen Creek |
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Presents for Elder Krueger |
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This was taped on my desk, which is across from my companions desk. |
Chandler 2,
District Leader,
Visiting Authorities
Monday, October 24, 2011
Daniel vs Time
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 14:40:36 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
This has been a long, slow week. We hardly taught!
Ada got in a car accident early on in the week and then because of it she drank again, which she had really been trying not to do. But it worked out, we had a really good lesson with her. She talks a lot and usually we can guide it to where she works out her own problems. I pointed out at the end of the lesson that she used the phrase "I know.." 3 times in connection with her new found testimony of God and her relationship with him. She had been struggling with faith a lot and so this was a huge and amazing step! But everything is going really well now. Her faith is continually growing. Now we have her focusing on the Book of Mormon, and we're still working towards baptism.
I did my first District Training and exchanges this week! I trained on effective study and preparing to teach and Elder Netzley and I tore it up in his area for a day. It was really fun, and I definitely learned more than I was able to teach taught. But we didn't really have much time because of everything going on.
We were able to put Amanda and Joseph back on date on Sunday! Our lessons got delayed all week so we made sure we got them to church by scheduling a lesson right after. We focused on Joseph, because he's 8, making sure he understands everything so he can be baptized. He's a really smart and really good kid. He remembered pretty much everything from the Joseph Smith movie at the visitors center. So the plan is for them to be baptized next Sunday evening.
Friday morning we stopped by a garage sale advertized as and "LDS Book Sale" and I found a copy of Mormon Doctrine for a dollar! The funny thing was, our Mission Nurse showed up before I could buy it and gave me $20 to buy stuff. So I got an old D&C and some stickers of the LA Temple, and still have $17 to spare!
Really, nothing much else happened this week.
Elder Feller
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
This has been a long, slow week. We hardly taught!
Ada got in a car accident early on in the week and then because of it she drank again, which she had really been trying not to do. But it worked out, we had a really good lesson with her. She talks a lot and usually we can guide it to where she works out her own problems. I pointed out at the end of the lesson that she used the phrase "I know.." 3 times in connection with her new found testimony of God and her relationship with him. She had been struggling with faith a lot and so this was a huge and amazing step! But everything is going really well now. Her faith is continually growing. Now we have her focusing on the Book of Mormon, and we're still working towards baptism.
I did my first District Training and exchanges this week! I trained on effective study and preparing to teach and Elder Netzley and I tore it up in his area for a day. It was really fun, and I definitely learned more than I was able to teach taught. But we didn't really have much time because of everything going on.
We were able to put Amanda and Joseph back on date on Sunday! Our lessons got delayed all week so we made sure we got them to church by scheduling a lesson right after. We focused on Joseph, because he's 8, making sure he understands everything so he can be baptized. He's a really smart and really good kid. He remembered pretty much everything from the Joseph Smith movie at the visitors center. So the plan is for them to be baptized next Sunday evening.
Friday morning we stopped by a garage sale advertized as and "LDS Book Sale" and I found a copy of Mormon Doctrine for a dollar! The funny thing was, our Mission Nurse showed up before I could buy it and gave me $20 to buy stuff. So I got an old D&C and some stickers of the LA Temple, and still have $17 to spare!
Really, nothing much else happened this week.
Elder Feller
Monday, October 17, 2011
Daniel vs Falling Off Date!
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 13:07:46 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
We had a crazy week.
So when I got to this area there was 5 people on date to be baptized, now there are zero. Its not my fault though! But were working on fixing it.
Three of them was Amanda and her two kids. One of her kids is 12 and is pretty typical. Kinda lazy and not really into anything. So its hard to get him into the lessons and keep him on track. But the rest of the family really wants to be baptized! We took her to the visitors center and watched the Joseph Smith movie, and after we went to see the statue of Christ, and she told the sister missionary there that she really wanted to be baptized. She said she would definitely be at church this week but she wasn't... I guess her younger kid was sick.. So she cant be baptized this weekend, but hopefully next. She's gotta get to church!
Then the next one was this guy named Bob. He talks a lot and gets off on tangents about how he's not a stalker and this girl named Carla needs to forgive him... Its pretty interesting. But I asked him why he wanted to get baptized and he said, "So I could hopefully get a job." Yeah... then we talked to him about what baptism means and he texted us the next morning saying "Tonight might be our last meeting, I think you guys are trying to convert me." So we made plans to go over, but the ward made me do splits with the priests, so I went with some of them to visit some poeple the bishop gave us while my companion, the ward mission leader, and a priest went to go teach Bob. The verdict was that he still wants to go to church, but doesn't want us to teach him anymore... So maybe someday.
The last one is Ada. She's an awesome investigator, but has some big concerns and is struggling with her family accepting her changing right now. She has two crazy concerns, the first is that she doesnt even know if she's feeling the spirit, or just her emotions. So we're building her faith to cope with that. And the other is she doesnt feel worthy to be baptized yet... And we're working on that too. She is excited to be baptized though. We took her to the Mission Presidents Fireside last night and she met President Howes. They both joked a little bit about taking the missionary who was here before me away, and then President asked her why she wasnt baptized, and then encouraged her to prepare to do so. It was pretty intense, especially when her family came up. But it was good, hopefully. She was kinda weird about it after, but I think it really made her think.
And were not the only ones with people falling off date. The whole zone is having a problem with it. I set a pretty high goal because we had lots of people, but we've lost a lot of them... so my goal is a little over the top now... The district is having a hard time, but were really working on it. Its just tough out there! But I've been praying about what skills we need to work on, and we're going to talk about it in district meeting.
Elder Feller
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
We had a crazy week.
So when I got to this area there was 5 people on date to be baptized, now there are zero. Its not my fault though! But were working on fixing it.
Three of them was Amanda and her two kids. One of her kids is 12 and is pretty typical. Kinda lazy and not really into anything. So its hard to get him into the lessons and keep him on track. But the rest of the family really wants to be baptized! We took her to the visitors center and watched the Joseph Smith movie, and after we went to see the statue of Christ, and she told the sister missionary there that she really wanted to be baptized. She said she would definitely be at church this week but she wasn't... I guess her younger kid was sick.. So she cant be baptized this weekend, but hopefully next. She's gotta get to church!
Then the next one was this guy named Bob. He talks a lot and gets off on tangents about how he's not a stalker and this girl named Carla needs to forgive him... Its pretty interesting. But I asked him why he wanted to get baptized and he said, "So I could hopefully get a job." Yeah... then we talked to him about what baptism means and he texted us the next morning saying "Tonight might be our last meeting, I think you guys are trying to convert me." So we made plans to go over, but the ward made me do splits with the priests, so I went with some of them to visit some poeple the bishop gave us while my companion, the ward mission leader, and a priest went to go teach Bob. The verdict was that he still wants to go to church, but doesn't want us to teach him anymore... So maybe someday.
The last one is Ada. She's an awesome investigator, but has some big concerns and is struggling with her family accepting her changing right now. She has two crazy concerns, the first is that she doesnt even know if she's feeling the spirit, or just her emotions. So we're building her faith to cope with that. And the other is she doesnt feel worthy to be baptized yet... And we're working on that too. She is excited to be baptized though. We took her to the Mission Presidents Fireside last night and she met President Howes. They both joked a little bit about taking the missionary who was here before me away, and then President asked her why she wasnt baptized, and then encouraged her to prepare to do so. It was pretty intense, especially when her family came up. But it was good, hopefully. She was kinda weird about it after, but I think it really made her think.
And were not the only ones with people falling off date. The whole zone is having a problem with it. I set a pretty high goal because we had lots of people, but we've lost a lot of them... so my goal is a little over the top now... The district is having a hard time, but were really working on it. Its just tough out there! But I've been praying about what skills we need to work on, and we're going to talk about it in district meeting.
Elder Feller
Chandler 2,
District Leader,
Visitors Center
Monday, October 10, 2011
Daniel vs The Chandler Curse
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 13:28:04 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
I'm am now the District Leader of the Mesa 2nd District. But my area is in Chandler! Consider the Chandler Curse fulfilled! (Chandler Curse: Mission legend that if you serve in Chandler once, you WILL serve there either a) Forever. or b) Twice!) My new companion is Elder Cunningham from West Jordan, Utah. He's a good guy, but just kinda quiet and calm. So because no one lives with us, I'm going stir-crazy all the time!
I really miss Queen Creek! I had so many good and bad times there, but I love it. I would definitely move back there. I just wish some certain things that I feel like I went there to do were accomplished before I left. Its hard knowing that those things didn't get finished before it was my time to go. Of course, I blame myself and think I could've done better or tried harder or been more persistent, but the hardest thing to remember is peoples agency. But I'm not done with them yet! I've instructed Elder Krueger well what to be focusing on. Man, I miss that guy too! My last few days in Queen Creek were awesome! Elder Livermore's companion went home and so he hung out with us for a few days. We had a lot of fun. We even got to teach a lesson to a drunk guy who was talking about suicide. Apparently it wasn't out of the normal for him, but Elder Krueger and I were kinda nervous because we didn't know.
But we spent my last day saying bye to everyone.
Not much to report here. I'm pretty sure people are going to be mad at me because a bunch of people fell off date this last week. But these people did not have a firm understanding that they were going to be baptized those days, and so they were not doing everything necessary to prepare for it. But we will be working extra hard to get them there. The goal is to have them all back this week. There was a lot of good stuff going on here before I got here, but I feel like one thing was seriously lacking, member involvement and fellowshipping! So thats a district focus I'm making. It should go good. From a lot of the members I've met, it seems like they're good on doing missionary work! I just have to put the pressure on.
Yesterday, my first Sunday, we did a Mormon.org presentation for the youth in one of the wards. It went really well. They seemed to get into it. This is such a huge deal! Everyone needs to take it more seriously! I've already heard of people who have been asked about it. But in most of the presentations, they still didn't cover what people are supposed to say!
More next week!
Elder Feller
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
I'm am now the District Leader of the Mesa 2nd District. But my area is in Chandler! Consider the Chandler Curse fulfilled! (Chandler Curse: Mission legend that if you serve in Chandler once, you WILL serve there either a) Forever. or b) Twice!) My new companion is Elder Cunningham from West Jordan, Utah. He's a good guy, but just kinda quiet and calm. So because no one lives with us, I'm going stir-crazy all the time!
I really miss Queen Creek! I had so many good and bad times there, but I love it. I would definitely move back there. I just wish some certain things that I feel like I went there to do were accomplished before I left. Its hard knowing that those things didn't get finished before it was my time to go. Of course, I blame myself and think I could've done better or tried harder or been more persistent, but the hardest thing to remember is peoples agency. But I'm not done with them yet! I've instructed Elder Krueger well what to be focusing on. Man, I miss that guy too! My last few days in Queen Creek were awesome! Elder Livermore's companion went home and so he hung out with us for a few days. We had a lot of fun. We even got to teach a lesson to a drunk guy who was talking about suicide. Apparently it wasn't out of the normal for him, but Elder Krueger and I were kinda nervous because we didn't know.
But we spent my last day saying bye to everyone.
Not much to report here. I'm pretty sure people are going to be mad at me because a bunch of people fell off date this last week. But these people did not have a firm understanding that they were going to be baptized those days, and so they were not doing everything necessary to prepare for it. But we will be working extra hard to get them there. The goal is to have them all back this week. There was a lot of good stuff going on here before I got here, but I feel like one thing was seriously lacking, member involvement and fellowshipping! So thats a district focus I'm making. It should go good. From a lot of the members I've met, it seems like they're good on doing missionary work! I just have to put the pressure on.
Yesterday, my first Sunday, we did a Mormon.org presentation for the youth in one of the wards. It went really well. They seemed to get into it. This is such a huge deal! Everyone needs to take it more seriously! I've already heard of people who have been asked about it. But in most of the presentations, they still didn't cover what people are supposed to say!
More next week!
Elder Feller
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Daniel vs Transfers
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 12:01:39 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
Transfer calls are not in yet! They messed up and havent decided on whats going on yet. So we dont know where were going. President called me last night and asked me to be a District Leader, and also said "See you on Wednesday(transfer day)" So I do think I'm leaving Queen Creek.
Conference was awesome! I hope everyone got the chance to watch it all. The Priesthood and Sunday Morning sessions were my favorites. I was blow away.
On Tuesday Elder Krueger and I were going on our "Late Night Date Night" through the park. Every few days when we have nothing late at night we walk through the park and talk to some scary sports parents watching their kids play. We ran into the Mendozas and we got to talk to them there. Just seeing them makes me happy. We visited with Sis. Mendoza and her mom for a little bit while they were watching Bro. Mendoza coach their kids softball game. They're doing really good. Even the mom, who caused a little opposition is all into it now. She said she fell asleep watching the BYU channel, and is planning on going to church with them.
We had another lesson with our new investigator Linda. She's doing good. The Air Conditioner in her house is so loud that it makes it hard to teach. But it shut off just for a little bit while we finished the plan of salvation. And she said she would be baptized when she knows its true!
Lindsey FINALLY got baptised. Its about time. And all went well. The baptism was amazing and she was really happy! She really felt it. And I'm so grateful for that because I really wanted her to feel that it was different than her baptist baptism. I get to confirm her in sacrament meeting if I'm still here next week. I feel so bad for her and all the stuff she had to go through just to get baptized and especially because that opposition had to come from the ward. Her fellowship, Sis Sanders, told us that she was really frustrated and discouraged alot. She even said "Why is the bishop forcing him to baptize me if he's being so mean!?" It makes my heart hurt to hear that kind of stuff. But the whole ward thinks the bishop did a good thing because they don't know the whole story. Whatever. It all worked out and it seems like her husband is luckily having a change of heart.
Serving is Arizona has taught me alot. I feel like it would have been a breeze to serve in Mexico and knock on a million doors. But because I hate doing things ineffectively, and the best way to find is through these members, I have to work with them. It literally forces me to learn and grow. I'm thankful for that, but at the same time it is so stressful, annoying, and frustrating.
Im out of time!
Elder Feller
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
Transfer calls are not in yet! They messed up and havent decided on whats going on yet. So we dont know where were going. President called me last night and asked me to be a District Leader, and also said "See you on Wednesday(transfer day)" So I do think I'm leaving Queen Creek.
Conference was awesome! I hope everyone got the chance to watch it all. The Priesthood and Sunday Morning sessions were my favorites. I was blow away.
On Tuesday Elder Krueger and I were going on our "Late Night Date Night" through the park. Every few days when we have nothing late at night we walk through the park and talk to some scary sports parents watching their kids play. We ran into the Mendozas and we got to talk to them there. Just seeing them makes me happy. We visited with Sis. Mendoza and her mom for a little bit while they were watching Bro. Mendoza coach their kids softball game. They're doing really good. Even the mom, who caused a little opposition is all into it now. She said she fell asleep watching the BYU channel, and is planning on going to church with them.
We had another lesson with our new investigator Linda. She's doing good. The Air Conditioner in her house is so loud that it makes it hard to teach. But it shut off just for a little bit while we finished the plan of salvation. And she said she would be baptized when she knows its true!
Lindsey FINALLY got baptised. Its about time. And all went well. The baptism was amazing and she was really happy! She really felt it. And I'm so grateful for that because I really wanted her to feel that it was different than her baptist baptism. I get to confirm her in sacrament meeting if I'm still here next week. I feel so bad for her and all the stuff she had to go through just to get baptized and especially because that opposition had to come from the ward. Her fellowship, Sis Sanders, told us that she was really frustrated and discouraged alot. She even said "Why is the bishop forcing him to baptize me if he's being so mean!?" It makes my heart hurt to hear that kind of stuff. But the whole ward thinks the bishop did a good thing because they don't know the whole story. Whatever. It all worked out and it seems like her husband is luckily having a change of heart.
Serving is Arizona has taught me alot. I feel like it would have been a breeze to serve in Mexico and knock on a million doors. But because I hate doing things ineffectively, and the best way to find is through these members, I have to work with them. It literally forces me to learn and grow. I'm thankful for that, but at the same time it is so stressful, annoying, and frustrating.
Im out of time!
Elder Feller
Oh I forgot! Pictures of Lindsey and her Family!
District Leader,
Queen Creek,
Monday, September 26, 2011
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 11:00:57 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
Hello! The most imortant thing that happened this week was the baptism of the Mendoza family. It was so amazing! On friday we did all their interviews, and the first one took so long, we had to call in another guy to help out. Ray is a talker... But its all good. The interviews were good spiritual experiances for them. Then on sunday evening we had a really good baptism service. My companion got to baptize them, and I confirmed them. The spirit was very strong and all their non-member friends and family were there. So it was good all arround. They are an amazing family and a living testimony to member missionary work. They were so prepared by the Lord to recieve the Gospel, and have a great work to do. I plan on coming back to Arizona in a year to see them sealed in temple.
Pictures below!
Lindsey should be baptized this coming week sunday after confrence. Its been a long hard journey, but she's still doing good and is super ready. We're all excited for it.
Not much else important happpend this week. We had a health fair on Thursday and we all left feeling more stressed than when we went in because now we recognized it. Haha. I liked living in innocence more... Then on friday my companion went to the foot doctor that made a presentation at the health thing, and got a huge wart frozen off, and a perscription.
Elder Feller
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
Hello! The most imortant thing that happened this week was the baptism of the Mendoza family. It was so amazing! On friday we did all their interviews, and the first one took so long, we had to call in another guy to help out. Ray is a talker... But its all good. The interviews were good spiritual experiances for them. Then on sunday evening we had a really good baptism service. My companion got to baptize them, and I confirmed them. The spirit was very strong and all their non-member friends and family were there. So it was good all arround. They are an amazing family and a living testimony to member missionary work. They were so prepared by the Lord to recieve the Gospel, and have a great work to do. I plan on coming back to Arizona in a year to see them sealed in temple.
Pictures below!
Lindsey should be baptized this coming week sunday after confrence. Its been a long hard journey, but she's still doing good and is super ready. We're all excited for it.
Not much else important happpend this week. We had a health fair on Thursday and we all left feeling more stressed than when we went in because now we recognized it. Haha. I liked living in innocence more... Then on friday my companion went to the foot doctor that made a presentation at the health thing, and got a huge wart frozen off, and a perscription.
Elder Feller
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Elder Krueger right before the baptism. |
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Elder Krueger, Brother Whiting, Ray Ray, Ray, Savannah, Danielle, Me. |
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Mendoza Family |
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Daniel vs Mormons
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 10:26:01 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
So recently we have been preparing the Arizona area for the new add campaign from the church "I'm a Mormon." and Mormon.org. The church is going to be pumping tons of adds into the TV, Internet, and billboards here. We're really excited! They have asked every member and missionary to make a profile. I'm really excited because they have done this in other areas and have seen good results, but this time, they are fixing their mistakes. Previously, they haven't prepared the members to be ready when the adds come through, because studies have shown that the biggest result from the campaign was 54% of members were approached by non-members and asked the question "Why is your church doing this?" So the church, through the ward leadership has sent out a presentation that we saw in every ward as to how to prepare to do missionary work when the opportunity comes. Problem is, in my mind everyone around me is stupid and doesn't know what to do! We had a ward completely skip the "what to do when you're approached" Steps. But, the Mission President is on my side and in Zone Conference last Friday we talked about what more we have to do to get ready. They asked us to meet with every member again, emphasize the points and role play talking to their friends with them. We have like 1000 people in all our wards and so we're going to be doing this in church meetings. I'm so happy! This is the perfect excuse to teach them member missionary work, and the perfect reason for them to listen! Statistically, 54% of them will be approached, but in Queen Creek I think that will be higher, and my goal is to have every member talk to people, by approaching them! So we're setting goals and making plans for that. The Elder Feller & Elder Krueger trainings will start next Sunday and... never stop. Member missionary work is way to important.
Other news, Everything is going pretty good.
We went to the Mesa Temple Visitors Center with the Mendoza family. They loved it. Every bit of it. Then on Wednesday we taught them the commandments, and she was drinking a Iced Tea while we were doing it, when we taught it, she was bummed, and then just simply put it on the ground. It was an awesome lesson. Then this morning we got weird text messages because her mom was telling her all this crazy stuff about how we believe God is from Outer Space, and we believe in moon men and all this crazy stuff. We resolved all that. It was cool because she kept saying "us Mormons" and "we". I could tell where her heart was. We talked about how you feel when you go to church or meet with us, compared to when she hears that garbage. She agreed and we're back on track. I was worried for a second because I got up in priesthood yesterday and announced the baptism and told everyone how it came from a simple invitation, and they can all do that as well.
Lindsey is also doing good. The bishop still messed things up with her and her husband and we're working on that. I wont go into too much detail. But on the positive she called us last night and gave us a new date that she, her husband, and the bishop decided for her to be baptised on.
Jacob is doing good too. He's having trouble talking to his parents... Understandably. He's in a really tough position, and since he's not moving forward to much, we're afraid of him moving backwards... But he'll do good. He's a good kid.
Elder Feller
...And I'm a Mormon.
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
So recently we have been preparing the Arizona area for the new add campaign from the church "I'm a Mormon." and Mormon.org. The church is going to be pumping tons of adds into the TV, Internet, and billboards here. We're really excited! They have asked every member and missionary to make a profile. I'm really excited because they have done this in other areas and have seen good results, but this time, they are fixing their mistakes. Previously, they haven't prepared the members to be ready when the adds come through, because studies have shown that the biggest result from the campaign was 54% of members were approached by non-members and asked the question "Why is your church doing this?" So the church, through the ward leadership has sent out a presentation that we saw in every ward as to how to prepare to do missionary work when the opportunity comes. Problem is, in my mind everyone around me is stupid and doesn't know what to do! We had a ward completely skip the "what to do when you're approached" Steps. But, the Mission President is on my side and in Zone Conference last Friday we talked about what more we have to do to get ready. They asked us to meet with every member again, emphasize the points and role play talking to their friends with them. We have like 1000 people in all our wards and so we're going to be doing this in church meetings. I'm so happy! This is the perfect excuse to teach them member missionary work, and the perfect reason for them to listen! Statistically, 54% of them will be approached, but in Queen Creek I think that will be higher, and my goal is to have every member talk to people, by approaching them! So we're setting goals and making plans for that. The Elder Feller & Elder Krueger trainings will start next Sunday and... never stop. Member missionary work is way to important.
Other news, Everything is going pretty good.
We went to the Mesa Temple Visitors Center with the Mendoza family. They loved it. Every bit of it. Then on Wednesday we taught them the commandments, and she was drinking a Iced Tea while we were doing it, when we taught it, she was bummed, and then just simply put it on the ground. It was an awesome lesson. Then this morning we got weird text messages because her mom was telling her all this crazy stuff about how we believe God is from Outer Space, and we believe in moon men and all this crazy stuff. We resolved all that. It was cool because she kept saying "us Mormons" and "we". I could tell where her heart was. We talked about how you feel when you go to church or meet with us, compared to when she hears that garbage. She agreed and we're back on track. I was worried for a second because I got up in priesthood yesterday and announced the baptism and told everyone how it came from a simple invitation, and they can all do that as well.
Lindsey is also doing good. The bishop still messed things up with her and her husband and we're working on that. I wont go into too much detail. But on the positive she called us last night and gave us a new date that she, her husband, and the bishop decided for her to be baptised on.
Jacob is doing good too. He's having trouble talking to his parents... Understandably. He's in a really tough position, and since he's not moving forward to much, we're afraid of him moving backwards... But he'll do good. He's a good kid.
Elder Feller
...And I'm a Mormon.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Daniel vs Nice Weather
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:49:53 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
Not too much else, but I have a bunch of pictures since I forgot my camera the last few weeks!
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
This past week has been pretty slow. We had a lot of cancelled apointments and people were so sick of the heat that there was no one outside. But starting on friday the weather got nicer. It was only 100 degrees outside at the hottest part of the day. We were hoping to talk to a bunch of people on saturday when the weather was a little nicer but only mormon people were outside! So it was a rough week. Not too much happened.
Lindsey cancelled on us this week because she was having an argument with her husband that day and didnt want to pull us into it. The situation is still rough there, but I think the bishop is feeling the pressure on him to get it together. He basically created a problem... and theres nothing we can do fix it. I talked to our ward Mission Leader, Bro. Larsen about it on saturday, and he was just as mad as me, if not more.. It was really funny because he was trying to maintain a neutral position, because he has to live here forever... but we could tell. We we went to give him the progress record and he said "I'll crumple it up and throw it in his face and say 'wow, I didnt know there was a form for regression!'" It was pretty funny. But, through it all, Lindsey is still strong and wanting to be baptized. She's pretty confused and shook up still, but she's still on the right track. She was sick this week and couldnt make it to church...
The Mendoza's are doing awesome! We had a lesson with them on wednesday, and dinner with them and another family sunday, and we rescheduled going to the Mesa Temple Visitors Center for tonight. So we're really excited about that. They want to leave a little early and take us to Weinersnitzel because Elder Krueger has never heard of it before... They are planning on being baptized on the 24th of September, but we might have to move it a day because of the General Releif Society Meeting. I told the Ward Mission Leader to just move it and he said he'd call the Prophet. But thats ok, they still are doing awesome, and really want to be baptized.
One of the guys we live with ordered 150 pounds of ties. So we've opened all of them and have made a huge ball of all the extra ugly ties. Its massive... but remains unfinished. Pictures next week.
Not too much else, but I have a bunch of pictures since I forgot my camera the last few weeks!
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Elder Darrington's backpack sweat |
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Elder Darrington and I transfer morning... |
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Elder Krueger and a spikey tree. |
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P-Day bounce house. |
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All the ties. |
Vaccum sealed bag
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Elder Krueger in some of the Ties. This picture does not do the ammount of ties justice. |
Queen Creek,
Visitors Center
Monday, September 5, 2011
Daniel vs 4 weeks
This week was insane...
Start with the bad, then I'll get to the good. So last tuesday we had a lesson with Lindsey. We taught the commandments and she had prayed about the 10th for baptism and was wanting to get baptized that day. Her husband gave us a ride home that night and all seemed to be well. Well the word goes arround the ward and Bishop finds out about it, he calls the ward mission leader and freaks out. Bishop wanted the husband to be ready and worthy to baptize his wife. Its a little late to mention it... We went over on saturday and explain that hes not ready or worthy, and Lindsey is ready now, and she needs to be baptized. On Sunday, the Bishop decided to pull Lindsey and her husband into his office and offer the option of working with her husband to be ready and worthy to baptize her, obviously not on the day selected by us. He says he'll get back to him in a week... but the baptism is supposed to be in 3 days. Lindsey was devestated, and was crying because she was really excited to be baptized. I get a call right before our last ward starts and Lindsey's fellowship says that Bishop told Lindsey she couldnt be baptized untill her husband does it. So I go outside to call bishop. I was pretty mad, obviously. Bishop steped out of his priesthood authority and into mine as a missionary, by meeting with my investigator, and canceling my baptism and essentially hurting my investigator. Bishop said thats not what he said and he would go over and clear up the "misunderstanding"... So I had no idea what to do at this point, and church was about the start, so I decided we needed to be there because we hadnt had the chance to take the Sacrament yet, and we needed to be there for all our investigators at church. So I didnt know what was going to happen and I was having stress attacks at church! So we went home and called Lindsey's fellowship and found out what happened. Bishop went over and the husband agreed to meet with bishop and try to get worthy to baptize her. Lindsey said if he's not ready in two weeks shes doing it anyways. So I'm glad shes still staying strong. The baptism is going to be put off a few weeks. I called President to let him know that Elder Case wouldnt need to come back this weekend to baptize her and he wasnt happy about what Bishop did. He said "Elder Feller he cant do that" and I said, "I know..." "Whats the ward? Whos the Stake President? Whats the Bishops name?" ... So I dont know whats going to happen, but President isnt going to let it go.
But the good! I got a call last Monday evening, saying that one of the woman who went to a mission farewell was really impressed by the spirit, and couldnt shake it, and she was crying all day at work and went over the the Whitting's home and got a blessing and felt better. We met with her whole family on wednesday. Ray, Danielle, Ray Jr, and Savannah Mendoza. They cried. Alot. The next day we got a text from Sis. Whitting saying that Danielle texted her and they had a family prayer and it felt really good. Later in the day Ray called her and said he felt the same spiritual impression and was crying all day. These people are SO prepared its crazy. God is not giving them any time to waste. They were at church on sunday, and we met with them again that night, right before the Whiting's son got set appart as a missionary. When Bro. Whitting gave her the blessing she said that something was going to happen is 4 weeks. Last night we kinda put them on date for the 24th of this month. I say kinda because it wasn't to solid of a commit because people were coming in for the setting appart, and the lesson was getting distracted by all the people! But they understand that thats the day they're working towards. 4 weeks after the first blessing. Awesome. We're going to the Visitors Center with them tonight.
So this week was pretty crazy to say the least..
I guess its gotten all over facebook that my new companion is from Long Island NY and knows all these famous people. His dad does construction for big clients like Jerry Sienfield, Billy Joel, Steven Spieldburg. Our whole ward knows because of facebook... Welcome to Arizona suburbia... Thats all the coolest stuff. We biked to the top of the montain. Nothing else too big.
Elder Feller
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Daniel vs Food
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 11:12:21 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
This week was pretty fun. It was super hot again, which is typical, but all the natives were freaking out because it was a record August. It was 117 the day I got my new companion. His name is Elder Krueger, and he's from Long Island, NY. He's the only 19 year old Mormon from Long Island, so I guess Im pretty lucky. He branch back home is pretty small so when we watched all three of our huge, young, Arizona wards fill up on Sunday, he didnt even know what to do. It was really funny.
Before Elder Darrington left, we were able to have a lesson with Lindsey. We went in with the goal of resolving her concern about "baptisms for the dead" and, honestly to my surprise, we did it. We built the lesson plan backwards from the first three lessons, talked about how baptism was essential, then about how it fit into the plan of salvation, and about how the spirit world worked, and how all of this is bassed on the foundation of the restoration of the Gospel, and that Joseph Smith was a Prophet, and if the Book of Mormon is true then everything we say is true. Then I asked, "How do you feel about the Book of Mormon?" and she said she felt it was true, and then Elder Darrington asked her how she felt about Baptism, and she turned to us and said with a smile, "Well, I think its essential." And I laughed because that what we had been just telling her. And I said, "How about for yourself?" and she said yes, and I told her we had been praying about a day for her to be baptized on, and we had come up with September the 10th. She said she would pray about it and get back to us. But everyone knows what happens when you pray about getting baptized... You get baptized.
Not much else happened this week. The next most exciting event that happened was we had to "Double-Dinner" on sunday... We didnt really have too, but it was way too good to pass up. Our Ward Mission Leaders son, Eben, who drives us places and is a good friend, had his mission farewell sunday, he's going to Columbus Ohio. Well a TON of non-members came to church to watch him and they all went to his house right after Sacrament, so he gave us a ride over so we could mingle (but really so we could eat). They had Costa Vida style buritos. There was tons of food and Elder Krueger and I ate two buritos each. Then we had a quick lesson with Jacob after church, and we had dinner just two hours later. It was really good but we could hardly eat. But it wasnt too bad, because it was one of those families that doesnt feed you a ton of food, which we really appriciate. But then the brownies and ice cream for desert... I so hard to finish! I was able to do it, but not my companion. I thought I was going to lose it though. So we shared a quick message, and went back to the house for a few minites, untill we felt a little better.
Elder Krueger is a stud! The new MTC training program is awesome, so he came out pretty prepared. I'm just working on getting him more experiance, between it being 117, and a monsoon, we havent had a ton of talking with people experiance. But we're working on it...
Sorry I forgot my camera again! Pictures next week.
Elder Feller
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
This week was pretty fun. It was super hot again, which is typical, but all the natives were freaking out because it was a record August. It was 117 the day I got my new companion. His name is Elder Krueger, and he's from Long Island, NY. He's the only 19 year old Mormon from Long Island, so I guess Im pretty lucky. He branch back home is pretty small so when we watched all three of our huge, young, Arizona wards fill up on Sunday, he didnt even know what to do. It was really funny.
Before Elder Darrington left, we were able to have a lesson with Lindsey. We went in with the goal of resolving her concern about "baptisms for the dead" and, honestly to my surprise, we did it. We built the lesson plan backwards from the first three lessons, talked about how baptism was essential, then about how it fit into the plan of salvation, and about how the spirit world worked, and how all of this is bassed on the foundation of the restoration of the Gospel, and that Joseph Smith was a Prophet, and if the Book of Mormon is true then everything we say is true. Then I asked, "How do you feel about the Book of Mormon?" and she said she felt it was true, and then Elder Darrington asked her how she felt about Baptism, and she turned to us and said with a smile, "Well, I think its essential." And I laughed because that what we had been just telling her. And I said, "How about for yourself?" and she said yes, and I told her we had been praying about a day for her to be baptized on, and we had come up with September the 10th. She said she would pray about it and get back to us. But everyone knows what happens when you pray about getting baptized... You get baptized.
Not much else happened this week. The next most exciting event that happened was we had to "Double-Dinner" on sunday... We didnt really have too, but it was way too good to pass up. Our Ward Mission Leaders son, Eben, who drives us places and is a good friend, had his mission farewell sunday, he's going to Columbus Ohio. Well a TON of non-members came to church to watch him and they all went to his house right after Sacrament, so he gave us a ride over so we could mingle (but really so we could eat). They had Costa Vida style buritos. There was tons of food and Elder Krueger and I ate two buritos each. Then we had a quick lesson with Jacob after church, and we had dinner just two hours later. It was really good but we could hardly eat. But it wasnt too bad, because it was one of those families that doesnt feed you a ton of food, which we really appriciate. But then the brownies and ice cream for desert... I so hard to finish! I was able to do it, but not my companion. I thought I was going to lose it though. So we shared a quick message, and went back to the house for a few minites, untill we felt a little better.
Elder Krueger is a stud! The new MTC training program is awesome, so he came out pretty prepared. I'm just working on getting him more experiance, between it being 117, and a monsoon, we havent had a ton of talking with people experiance. But we're working on it...
Sorry I forgot my camera again! Pictures next week.
Elder Feller
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Daniel vs A Baby Boy
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 11:57:42 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
Transfer Results: I'm staying in Queen Creek and training a brand new missionary! My first "son"! Its pretty exciting. I'm kinda bummed I have to stay in this area again, but at least I get to finish what I started! And I really think training is going to be good for me. Especially in this area. It will give me a lot of new excitement and motivation.
I cant even remember what happened this week...
We taugth Lindsey twice. They both went good. Kinda. The first time she started with an email some preacher sent her... Which was all completely false, (Except he said Mormons believe baptism to be essential... that's true, because Jesus said so: John 3:5) and then her fellowship got into it with her about baptisms for the dead. I was pretty frustrated, so I just waited it out until they would let us start the lesson. We started, and funny enough, we were teaching the plan of salvation, with an emphasis on the spirit world! WOW! So we worked it out pretty good. The lesson went well, except she hasn't been feeling good and got a massive killer headache at the end, so she kinda zoned out. But we taught her again Friday and I discerned that her baptism for the dead concern is because in the past she received a spiritual witness that her grandfather is in "heaven". Hmmm. Its a tricky one. But no big. The second time we taught her last week her less active husband sat in and was pretty positive. It was a really good lesson, but she was sick Sunday and couldn't go to church!
Jacob is still afraid of what his parents will think and is still looking for an opportunity to talk to his parents. But, he got a stress fracture on his food and is out of cross country and football for the rest of the season. All his new free time gives him lots of opportunities to talk to his parents. Just saying. Maybe after he does it I'll heal John Tanner style. (Lame church movie reference)
Bro. Powell came back from his business trip, and to everyones surprise, brought his parents with him! So we actually got to meet them. They were very nice and asked us lots of questions about missionary work, because their step-grandson is going to Zimbabwe in November. We talked and then we were asked to share a message. We read Alma 32 and testified of the Book of Mormon, then Elder Darrington went nuts and pulled out Moroni 10:3-5, testified, and challenged them to read the Book of Mormon. It was interesting to watch the reason our investigator wont get baptised respond to that. He talked about how he's read some of it, and also the Koran, and challenged us to read the Koran when we get back. Which doesn't make any sense because he's Catholic...But he was very impressed by us and our faith.
I'm excited to stay in Queen Creek. I've got a grudge against this area and I will come off the victor! Even if it takes 6 months! Maybe 7.5 months because training is usually a 2 transfer call. But we should have a few baptisms. OH! Elder Lesh is the new AP! Man I miss that guy. But I'll see him soon.
Elder Feller
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
Transfer Results: I'm staying in Queen Creek and training a brand new missionary! My first "son"! Its pretty exciting. I'm kinda bummed I have to stay in this area again, but at least I get to finish what I started! And I really think training is going to be good for me. Especially in this area. It will give me a lot of new excitement and motivation.
I cant even remember what happened this week...
We taugth Lindsey twice. They both went good. Kinda. The first time she started with an email some preacher sent her... Which was all completely false, (Except he said Mormons believe baptism to be essential... that's true, because Jesus said so: John 3:5) and then her fellowship got into it with her about baptisms for the dead. I was pretty frustrated, so I just waited it out until they would let us start the lesson. We started, and funny enough, we were teaching the plan of salvation, with an emphasis on the spirit world! WOW! So we worked it out pretty good. The lesson went well, except she hasn't been feeling good and got a massive killer headache at the end, so she kinda zoned out. But we taught her again Friday and I discerned that her baptism for the dead concern is because in the past she received a spiritual witness that her grandfather is in "heaven". Hmmm. Its a tricky one. But no big. The second time we taught her last week her less active husband sat in and was pretty positive. It was a really good lesson, but she was sick Sunday and couldn't go to church!
Jacob is still afraid of what his parents will think and is still looking for an opportunity to talk to his parents. But, he got a stress fracture on his food and is out of cross country and football for the rest of the season. All his new free time gives him lots of opportunities to talk to his parents. Just saying. Maybe after he does it I'll heal John Tanner style. (Lame church movie reference)
Bro. Powell came back from his business trip, and to everyones surprise, brought his parents with him! So we actually got to meet them. They were very nice and asked us lots of questions about missionary work, because their step-grandson is going to Zimbabwe in November. We talked and then we were asked to share a message. We read Alma 32 and testified of the Book of Mormon, then Elder Darrington went nuts and pulled out Moroni 10:3-5, testified, and challenged them to read the Book of Mormon. It was interesting to watch the reason our investigator wont get baptised respond to that. He talked about how he's read some of it, and also the Koran, and challenged us to read the Koran when we get back. Which doesn't make any sense because he's Catholic...But he was very impressed by us and our faith.
I'm excited to stay in Queen Creek. I've got a grudge against this area and I will come off the victor! Even if it takes 6 months! Maybe 7.5 months because training is usually a 2 transfer call. But we should have a few baptisms. OH! Elder Lesh is the new AP! Man I miss that guy. But I'll see him soon.
Elder Feller
Monday, August 15, 2011
Daniel vs Week 6.
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 10:58:58 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
I has been a crazy week!
Monday was P-day, then we had a good lesson with Bro. Powell. We talked about the blessings from baptism and the holy ghost and whats holding him back. He said he's "testing the waters" and the thinks baptism is "the path he's on" so we just have to push him a little farther there. His parents is still a hold up for him, so were going to work on that.
Tuesday was interviews and a sweet lesson! Interviews went good. I was like the second person to be interviewed. It was really good. We talked about my struggles with this area and everything right now. It went really well. Then the trainings from the other AP's and a crazy (but very good) Sister Missionary (We call her the Sister AP) went good. This Sister trained on finding and using members to help us. Everything she talked about were pretty good ideas.... If I was a woman. Pride you say? No, just honest evaluation. To be honest, and Elder can not do arts and crafts and be taken seriously. It didnt help that she indirectly called me out for a comment I made to her about how the ward leadership in my area refuses to listen to me. That just made me serious dislike of Sister Missionaries boil and swell. But those are my personal, and admittedly prideful feelings, please dont take them seriously. But to make it all better we had an awesome lesson with Lindsey. She investigated a year ago, but her inactive husband didnt like it. But she's back, and he wants to be involved too. The lesson went really well. She has tons of scattered questions and concerns, but they're easy to resolve. Keeping her on track is the biggest thing. Our new Ward Mission Leader came with us and he was getting really frustrated! But thats ok.
Wednesday we went to the temple, and then I got to go on exchanges with one of our Zone Leaders who has a hernia, and can only work a few hours a day. We got to hang out and watch some sweet old church movies while our companions went and worked. It was fun. I got the post-interviews scoop about the Queen Creek Zone from him too.
Sunday we went to church all day and I was exausted and starving after. But before we could go to dinner we taught Jacob a lesson at the church before he went home. It went really good. We learned that he wants to get baptized but wants to make sure his family is ok with it first. Understandable, but frustrating. All of our investigators have that right now!
Well its week 6 of the transfer so I dont know if I'm still going to be here a week and a half from now! I love a lot of people here, and have worked with them a lot, so it would be sad to leave. But it would be nice to leave and get to a new area with more potential. I found out that President told the Zone Leaders that Elder Darrington and I have probably one of the toughest areas in the mission... And I've been here for 4 months! So I dont know. But Dare-Bear thinks he's getting transfered out of here so we'll see!
Since I've been here a while, and ran out of things to take pictures of, I took some pictures of my best ties to show you guys!
Elder Feller
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Ties |
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More ties |
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The sky goes crazy in Arizona |
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Darrington reading the new scout book in the library. |
Monday, August 8, 2011
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 11:10:33 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
Daniel vs The Time Change
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
Daniel vs The Time Change
This week was the same as usual. Last P-Day we went to a huge indoor sports facility and played football and soccer on a turf field for like 4 hours. I was so sweaty and sore! For the next three days I limped around, and Elder Darrington and I biked slooow. It was really fun though. I had to play Goalie during soccer because no one else would, and this Elder from new Zealand, who played competitive soccer back home, juked me pretty good. I hurt my left ankle because of it, but he didn't score!
I went on exchanges with one of our Zone Leaders. His companion has a hernia and can only work 4 hours a day. He goes home in two weeks anyways. So he's toughing it out. But Elder Hoy gets to go on exchanges with someone everyday, while their companion baby sits his companion. He's from Sacramento too, so we had a good time.
This Sunday, all our church times changed! Previously, we had been going to the Hawes Ward at 9, then Montelena and Desert Wells wards were both at 11 in different buildings! It made it hard, because we have nothing going on in the Hawes ward, but some stuff going on in both of the wards. But the time changed this week, so we went to Desert Wells at 9, Hawes at 11, and Montelena at 1... So we got to church from 9 to 4 every week. Its crazy.
So we had an appointment with Lindsey last week, (The one the relief Society president told us about) but, to my dismay, the Bishop canceled it so he could talk with her and her less active husband first... Fortunately, it worked out well. When they told him we were going to start teaching her, he said, "I'd really like to be a part of that" so we're planning on teaching both of them now! Tuesday night!
We had a good lesson with Bro. Powell last night. We talked about the blessings of baptism. He asked us the dreaded question "Do you think that I don't have the spirit with me all the time right now?" Its a hard question to help people understand, but we did a good job. He said "I think I'm on that track" But we know its going to take some time. He really needs to talk to his parents, that's the kicker!
We're working on it!
Elder Feller
Monday, August 1, 2011
Daniel vs The Pain
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 10:31:13 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
This week was pretty slow again. But things are starting to turn around! School has started in Queen Creek (weird huh?) and so everyone's back to reality. We've made some good progress with our wards, people are starting to do stuff and help us out more. Having three wards as a missionary can be a blessing... but its also really stressful sometimes. I remember we had six wards in Gilbert... that was hard. I hardly knew anyone. But its going good. We biked almost 150 miles this week. Just trying to find some people outside to talk to! We're doing our best to qualify for blessings. But we're really sore because of it.
We had Family Home Evening with Bro. Powell and his family on Monday. And he helped us fix Elder Darrington's bike tube later in the week. The pulled pork was amazing... I cant even describe it. And he gave us a ton of the left-overs. They're gone. But we taught his family, and some friends of theirs who were in town about the importance of going to church, reading their scriptures and saying their prayers. It was funny because their friends weren't members, or really religious people, and I don't think they go to any church because when I asked the kids why they thought it was important to go to church, they asked the mom and she got really embarrassed! But the lesson went good and Bro. Powell was even at church yesterday! He told us on Saturday night that he had a dream where he didn't go to church, and when he did, he didn't wear his shirt and tie, and they kicked him out and wouldn't let him come back. So he took that as a sign that he needed to go on Sunday. But we were at our other ward so we missed him!
We were in the other ward because we were expecting a new potential there. Actually, she was taught about a year ago, but she's been coming to church on and off with an awesome member, and asked the Relief Society President if she could take missionary lessons again. So we got a call Friday morning! And we'll be teaching her next Wednesday. Awesome.
We also had a lesson with Jacob, one of our investigators who is 16 and has a member girlfriend. The concern has always been if he was sincere or not, and I've always really thought he is. Our lesson with him confirmed that. We asked him about his family and what they thought and he got a little concerned. He said his parents are like "whatever" but his grandma is mad, and he doesn't know about his siblings. Turns out, his dad investigated the church and almost got baptized while he was dating a Mormon girl too. But she got cancer and dumped him... So he never joined. But his family always talks with him about what he learned and his dad knows alot. So we're hoping theres still some potential with his family there. He told us his grandma was going to take him out to lunch, probably for his birthday, we don't know, and said she would drive all the way to Queen Creek from Mesa to take him to her church and he was he was happy where he was, and she just took him home. So he's going though some struggles, but these will help him have a spiritual conversion. So its bittersweet.
We're going to a huge indoor sports complex today with a ton of missionaries to play football and stuff. Should be fun.
Elder Feller
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
This week was pretty slow again. But things are starting to turn around! School has started in Queen Creek (weird huh?) and so everyone's back to reality. We've made some good progress with our wards, people are starting to do stuff and help us out more. Having three wards as a missionary can be a blessing... but its also really stressful sometimes. I remember we had six wards in Gilbert... that was hard. I hardly knew anyone. But its going good. We biked almost 150 miles this week. Just trying to find some people outside to talk to! We're doing our best to qualify for blessings. But we're really sore because of it.
We had Family Home Evening with Bro. Powell and his family on Monday. And he helped us fix Elder Darrington's bike tube later in the week. The pulled pork was amazing... I cant even describe it. And he gave us a ton of the left-overs. They're gone. But we taught his family, and some friends of theirs who were in town about the importance of going to church, reading their scriptures and saying their prayers. It was funny because their friends weren't members, or really religious people, and I don't think they go to any church because when I asked the kids why they thought it was important to go to church, they asked the mom and she got really embarrassed! But the lesson went good and Bro. Powell was even at church yesterday! He told us on Saturday night that he had a dream where he didn't go to church, and when he did, he didn't wear his shirt and tie, and they kicked him out and wouldn't let him come back. So he took that as a sign that he needed to go on Sunday. But we were at our other ward so we missed him!
We were in the other ward because we were expecting a new potential there. Actually, she was taught about a year ago, but she's been coming to church on and off with an awesome member, and asked the Relief Society President if she could take missionary lessons again. So we got a call Friday morning! And we'll be teaching her next Wednesday. Awesome.
We also had a lesson with Jacob, one of our investigators who is 16 and has a member girlfriend. The concern has always been if he was sincere or not, and I've always really thought he is. Our lesson with him confirmed that. We asked him about his family and what they thought and he got a little concerned. He said his parents are like "whatever" but his grandma is mad, and he doesn't know about his siblings. Turns out, his dad investigated the church and almost got baptized while he was dating a Mormon girl too. But she got cancer and dumped him... So he never joined. But his family always talks with him about what he learned and his dad knows alot. So we're hoping theres still some potential with his family there. He told us his grandma was going to take him out to lunch, probably for his birthday, we don't know, and said she would drive all the way to Queen Creek from Mesa to take him to her church and he was he was happy where he was, and she just took him home. So he's going though some struggles, but these will help him have a spiritual conversion. So its bittersweet.
We're going to a huge indoor sports complex today with a ton of missionaries to play football and stuff. Should be fun.
Elder Feller
Monday, July 25, 2011
Daniel vs The Sun
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 10:49:31 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
We've visited Bro. Powell the last 3 night, helping fix up bikes and talking with him and his family. He invited us back on Sunday for dinner, but we already had a dinner planned with the Elders Quorum President and his family, and they're awesome, so we couldn't cancel on them so we had to try and double dinner... Only because he was planning on making his famous pulled pork. First of all, you have to understand that Bro. Powell, even though he's not a member, is famous in the ward for cooking for youth firesides and scout trips. He cooks good. Pulled pork is his specialty. He made BBQ sauce, with a vinegar base (whatever that means...), a month and a half ago, and let it sit, so it would taste perfect. And he planned on smoking the pork all day and coming to church. Unfortunately, Satan broke his smoker so he couldn't get to church OR make the pork! So they made carne asada burritos and gave us all the left overs... But he fixed the smoker and we're going back tonight for dinner and Family Home Evening! Awesome.
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
We've had a rough week, but all is well. Its been extremely hot! Our arms are way darker, and for the first time in my life, I had a sunglasses tan! But I got rid of it the next day. Gross. But we've been scrambling to find someone to teach out here! This week we didn't find anyone, and got dropped, after 3 months of trying to get an appointment, by 16 year old Tori. Its almost a relief, but she's on "her our religious journey, and has her Mormon friend to help her out." Whatever. Honestly, its more of a relief. We're turning her over to the missionaries who cover her friends ward.
Elder Howard, one of the missionaries we live with, hurt some ligament and fractured his foot. It happened a month ago, but he just went in and they gave him a cast. So he's crutchin' all around the house now. Its pretty funny. But at least he has a car...
We've visited Bro. Powell the last 3 night, helping fix up bikes and talking with him and his family. He invited us back on Sunday for dinner, but we already had a dinner planned with the Elders Quorum President and his family, and they're awesome, so we couldn't cancel on them so we had to try and double dinner... Only because he was planning on making his famous pulled pork. First of all, you have to understand that Bro. Powell, even though he's not a member, is famous in the ward for cooking for youth firesides and scout trips. He cooks good. Pulled pork is his specialty. He made BBQ sauce, with a vinegar base (whatever that means...), a month and a half ago, and let it sit, so it would taste perfect. And he planned on smoking the pork all day and coming to church. Unfortunately, Satan broke his smoker so he couldn't get to church OR make the pork! So they made carne asada burritos and gave us all the left overs... But he fixed the smoker and we're going back tonight for dinner and Family Home Evening! Awesome.
Elder Feller
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Daniel vs 1 Year
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 10:59:35 -0700
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
From: eric.feller@myldsmail.net
This week has been pretty fun. I got a new companion, Elder Darrington (Dear-bear) from Declo Idaho (380 people). I don't remember if I told you about a missionary who put a huge deep whole in his knee mountain biking but he's my companion now. But his knee is getting better so we don't get a car. But we're having fun in queen creek.
The dust storm was crazy last week! I'm sure you heard about it and wondered if I got any of it... Queen Creek is right on the south-east edge of the phoenix valley, so we got it first! I was inside when it rolled in, but I saw pictures. But we biked around in the dust for a few hours. We walked out of a lesson to look at someones giant swing set in the back yard and it was crazy outside! All dark and dusty and windy .. at like 7. which is weird here, the sun comes up at 4:30 and down at 8:30. It was nuts.
Oh, so my old companion, Who was a big guy from Idaho, and was dieing in the heat, got sent to the mountains! In Eager, the little town with the closest stop light to Saint Johns. He's going to love it!
And, I don't know if you're aware, but I hit one year this Thursday!! The time has flown by, I can hardly believe it. I don't ever want to go home.
Oh so we also had a sweet lesson with brother Powell this week. Its been hard to bring up his feeling on the gospel recently. Almost like he's avoiding it. But we got him alone and I went for it! We found out some of his concerns and then had a really good discussion on commitments and living up to the blessings. I think that's what he fears right now. But it was really good. I almost cried telling him about Brandon and Zach, the first two baptisms me and Elder Lesh had in Chandler, and what a blessing it was. We know more about whats up with him and are better prepared to teach him now. It was awesome.
Pray I have more to talk about!
Elder Feller
The dust storm was crazy last week! I'm sure you heard about it and wondered if I got any of it... Queen Creek is right on the south-east edge of the phoenix valley, so we got it first! I was inside when it rolled in, but I saw pictures. But we biked around in the dust for a few hours. We walked out of a lesson to look at someones giant swing set in the back yard and it was crazy outside! All dark and dusty and windy .. at like 7. which is weird here, the sun comes up at 4:30 and down at 8:30. It was nuts.
Oh, so my old companion, Who was a big guy from Idaho, and was dieing in the heat, got sent to the mountains! In Eager, the little town with the closest stop light to Saint Johns. He's going to love it!
And, I don't know if you're aware, but I hit one year this Thursday!! The time has flown by, I can hardly believe it. I don't ever want to go home.
Oh so we also had a sweet lesson with brother Powell this week. Its been hard to bring up his feeling on the gospel recently. Almost like he's avoiding it. But we got him alone and I went for it! We found out some of his concerns and then had a really good discussion on commitments and living up to the blessings. I think that's what he fears right now. But it was really good. I almost cried telling him about Brandon and Zach, the first two baptisms me and Elder Lesh had in Chandler, and what a blessing it was. We know more about whats up with him and are better prepared to teach him now. It was awesome.
Pray I have more to talk about!
Elder Feller
Video of the dust storm
Elder Baird |
Dear-Bear and I trying to get some pictures in The Pecans. Our richest neighborhood. |
More of The Pecans |
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